
Team Rocket's Journey (Through Time and Space).
We enjoyed watching this. What's not to like about a Flash movie that features the Banana Splits, Drew Carrey and David Letterman?
FDA and Canadian Food Inspection Agency Warn Against Consuming Mislabeled Poisonous Plant Called Autumn Monkshood
FDA in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning consumers not to consume a poisonous flowering perennial plant known as Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’, commonly called Autumn Monkshood. Valleybrook Gardens, Ltd., a Canadian nursery located in British Columbia is known to have distributed the plants with the incorrect labels to other nurseries in British Columbia, Washington State and Idaho, but full distribution is not known at this time. The packages were mistakenly labeled with the statement, “All parts of this plant are tasty in soup,” instead of indicating that the plant is poisonous.
On second thought, I'll just have the sandwich.
Tiffani Amber Thiessen wants to be part of the CNN news team. "The way they're letting people go, I would think my experience on "Saved By the Bell" and one episode of "News Radio" would qualify me."
George W. Bush's proposed new tax form, the 1040W.
Have you seen Microsoft's hidden settings?
Andrea Thompson Nude.
If you're going to go from being on NYPD Blue to anchoring CNN Headline News, those old nude pictures you had taken when you broke into the business are bound to come out.

Jaxon and The Pharmacist gave me the link.

Sunday, April 29, 2001

animutation central
I'm Neil Cicierega. I'm male, 14 years old, and single. I like cool music like They Might Be Giants, Oingo Boingo, Danny Elfman, Weird Al, Cornelius, Devo, The Living End, and Logan Whitehurst.

I also like making music, playing drums, drawing, warm weather, the color teal, MST3k, and house cats.
Everything I have listed on eBay is here.
Star Wars Phantom Menace actual 35mm Film Strip
Desert Storm Cards - Uncut Sheet BUSH and CHENEY!
THE CLASH - Set of 4 Buttons
1986 APPLE COMPUTER: DICK and JANE advertising booklet (RARE)

Saturday, April 28, 2001


Big deal. The drinking age should be 18 anyways.

Friday, April 27, 2001

MATT DRUDGE // DRUDGE REPORT 2001®: Walters interviews Denise Rich
Despite her millions, 28-room Central Park triplex with a staff of 20 including a personal healer, Rich says she is "a simple girl from Massachusetts. And no matter what glamour I've had in my life, or whatever money that has come into my life, I am still that girl from Massachusetts."

Thursday, April 26, 2001

With the Internet Urinal, you'll never have to leave your computer again.
Do you feel stupid when you try to push open a door, and then find out you are supposed to pull it? Well, it's not you. It's bad design.

Ever lost your car in a parking garage? It's not you. Well, it could be you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Without Odysse, Home Theater is just loud TV.
Attach the four (4) motor-driven Kinetron Actuators under the corners of your sofa and you'll experience these movies in a new way.

The Fifth Element
Alien 2
Alien resurrection
Apollo 13
Hollow man
Event Horizon
Jurassic Park
The Lost World
Lost in Space
The Matrix
Mission Impossible 2
Men in black
The sixth sense
Super Speedway
Saving private Ryan
Star Trek 1st Contact
The Perfect Storm
T2 ultimate edition
Taxi 2
T2, Judgment Day
The Cell
Titan A.E.
Thomas Crown affair
007 World not enough
The Watcher
InphoMatch lets you send a text message from the web to a cellphone or wireless device. You can even schedule it to send a message at a later date. It's cool because it figures out how to contact the cellphone user, you don't have to know any special address. I just tried it out with AT&T and Verizon and it worked nicely.
Joe Lavin's Humor Column - Spot the Reality
Every night, six men compete to date a Hooters Girl. After some preliminary questioning, the final two compete in a "baseball round." The men are asked questions, and, with each right answer, they can advance from first base to second base to third base. The first one to reach home plate wins. Grand prize: A date with a waitress.

Monday, April 23, 2001

What's your Geek Code?
W++ = I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.
tv+ = I watch some tv every day.
b = I read the newspaper and the occasional book.
DI++++ = I've received mail from Scott Adams. I'm in the DNRC (Dogbert's New Ruling Class).

There's a lot more on the site. Fun reading, for a geek.
"it's a toaster that accesses the net to get a weather report then toasts the weather symbols into your daily bread!!!!"
via gleanings
I'd like to invite you to the opening of creepysteve's photo gallery.

I just got a scanner and scanned in these old pictures I took years ago when I was in college. I was taking a photography class and went out into the area and found this cool diner. When I went inside the woman behind the counter told me that the diner was in a book and happily showed me the picture.


Sunday, April 22, 2001

The Chick Tourney Has Been RESET!
You can now play Tourney 10 by clicking here!
The last tourney was completed with 10,275 games saved and scored.
Josie Maran was declared the winner and removed to take her place in the Hall of Fame.
Sandra Bullock lost Tourney 9 and was moved to the Hall of Shame.
By your votes, you have chosen to to replace them with Angelica Bridges and Susan Ward!
All previous games and votes have been deleted so you can go play with the new girls and score again!

Saturday, April 21, 2001

Internet Killed the Video Star.
A cool shockwave video from eStudio. Crank it up!

Friday, April 20, 2001

When you get here click on FRANCE!
Best Review Ever.
It is, to put it simply, the real thing: a big Broadway book musical that is so ecstatically drunk on its powers to entertain that it leaves you delirious...
I don't usually post links to the New York Times, but this is a fabulous review of Mel Brook's new Broadway play, The Producers. (The New York Times site is free, but you need to join.)

You can also read a great review at MSNBC.
THIS BIG WHOOPEE cushion of a musical simultaneously restores its primary author, Mel Brooks — the granddaddy of grossout humor, after all — to his rightful place of honor in showbiz, and gives Broadway the kind of headline-making megahit it hasn’t seen since a certain Disney feline came to town.
I made this new banner to promote our site. I think it captures the essense of what we're up to here. Maybe not, but I hope it'll get us some clicks.

Please click here to make Off On A Tangent #1 on the clix tracking page.

When you get there, check out the other cool weblogs. Or not.

Thursday, April 19, 2001

Will Sony's eVilla become your home on the Internet?
Dan Bricklin writes a letter to Dave Winer
Many people joined dotComs because of the lure of money, no matter what the topic. Those of us who love our craft find that foreign. (Unless our craft is business-building.) We like to work in areas that interest us and let the money be a by-product.
Right On!
Chumworth on the News - Real Headlines, Real Funny
Aaron Sorkin, the creator of the Emmy-winning drama "The West Wing," was freed on bail after being arrested for investigation of possessing illegal hallucinogenic mushrooms on Sunday at Burbank Airport.

I always said that you'd have to be on drugs to hire Rob Lowe.
Maybe I WILL go skiing one more time this year!
Image courtesy of
It's really not such a Lonely Planet.
Have some donkey fun at
Enter the name of a passenger who came to America through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924.

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Give me a beer!
Moderate alcohol consumption increases the levels of ``good'' HDL cholesterol in the blood and helps prevent blood clots.
I'll have a nice Merlot too, please.
From Hot Concept to Hot Site in Eight Days
I got about 15 hours of sleep over's first eight days—the time during which we addressed most of our scalability issues. Eight days after launching, we broke the one million page view barrier, reaching more than 1.8 million page views that day. By the end of November, we made NetNielsen's list of the top 25 advertising domains.
Now it's

Sunday, April 15, 2001

What would Jesus eat?
....Meet the Bible Bar – one of the greatest new products ever introduced to the Christian market. This fantastic-tasting, all natural whole food bar contains the seven foods which the Lord calls good in Deuteronomy 8:8 - Wheat, Barley, Honey, Figs, Olive Oil, Grapes, and Pomegranates. You’re going to love this first-of-its-kind nutritional bar with its refreshing, natural fruit flavor and Biblical significance.

“A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees,
and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey;”
Deuteronomy 8:8
View a GALLERY of my current auctions on eBay which include:

Pins Buttons
David Bowie
Kate Bush
Joe Jackson
Iggy Pop
Teenage Jesus + The Jerks
Gary Numan
Graham Parker
Tom Petty
Lou Reed
the slits

Apple Computer Newton - Set of two stickers (mint)

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Strong Numbers tells you what it's worth.
It figures that Tom Green would be behind the worst Internet promotion ever for his new movie. DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON!
This is only a test
This study offers an opportunity to think about group membership and preferences and provides an opportunity for you to learn about your automatic associations for various groups.
Try today's New York Times crossword puzzle online, for free. 1 ACROSS is BALI. (Job Details) Your local chapter of The Justice League of America is seeking a Superhero! This job entails:

* Defending the public at large from menaces foreign, domestic, and otherworldly
* Proactively pursuing the identification and dissolution of evil groups, clans, gangs, and societies
* Championing the values of Superherodom and general do-goodery at all times
* Appearances at select trade shows, rallies, monster truck pulls, and corporate events

via metafilter
AMA News Release
Seems the medical insurance companies are trying to exclude coverage of injuries from "recreational activities". This includes rockclimbing, skiing, riding motorbikes, jogging... So you would be covered for falling down the stairs at work, but not covered for tripping while jogging at lunchtime. Actually, the technicality is that you would be covered, but that they would refuse to pay the cost of the coverage, and would send you the entire bill. It would take a true politician to explain to me how that counts as "covered"...

Comment on this to Congress

Monday, April 09, 2001

BBC Online - History - Scottish History
"A great woman was cast ashore by the sea in Scotland; her length 192 feet; there were six feet between her two breasts; the length of her hair was 15 feet; the length of a finger on her hand was six feet; the length of her nose was 7 feet. As white as swan’s down or the foam of the wave was every part of her."

What was her shoe size?
The College Times is a free web version of the New York Times that college students should be able to understand. If not, there's always the Grade 3 - 12 version that provides vocabulary definitions and geographic and demographic information.
via The Tourbus
Spencer Tunick took nude photographs of people in every state and I just saw him do it on HBO (US Access Only). It's art.

Here's a photo he took in New York.
Astroboy lives on. Don't hold you breath for a movie though.
I remember when I was little I had this electric race car set. It was fun to play with. Now they've got web based electric car racing. It's fun. You build the race track on the screen, then choose that you want to race against the chicken, click the start flag and you're off. If you want to make the game more challenging, click it up a few levels. Also, you need sound to hear all the effects.
via gleanings
Banja looks like a cool online game. I suggest a fast internet connection.

Thursday, April 05, 2001

The Chick Tourney has been reset.
The last tourney was completed with 13,218 games saved and scored.
Salma Hayek was declared the winner and removed to take her place in the Hall of Fame.
Christina Aguilera lost Tourney 8 and was moved to the Hall of Shame.
By your votes, you have chosen to to replace them with Vanessa Marcil and Nikki Cox!
Jesse Ventura: unplugged
Until you hunted man, you haven't hunted yet. Because you need to hunt something that can shoot back at you to really classify yourself as a hunter. You need to understand the feeling of what it's like to go into the field and know that your opposition can take you out. Not just go out there and shoot Bambi.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001

Audobon Circle, 838 Beacon St., Boston has the best hamburgers in town. Part of it is their special chipotle ketchup.
Action Figures Set Cubicle Apart
"Just take a look around this place. Desk, computer, chair. Wall, wall, door, wall. Management might as well drop us in a sensory-deprivation tank and say, 'Get to work.' Now, my cubicle, on the other hand--nobody's going to mistake it for any other around here, that's for sure."
Sean thinks they based this story on his cube.
Sean says he'd love to have an OK Soda machine in his kitchen. OK Soda didn't survive, but it did have cool messages on it's 1-800 line.

Tuesday, April 03, 2001

I don't see anything trashy about shopping with Brande Roderick.
The Magnificent Melting Object has some weird stuff posted over there.
I created my own cereal this morning, buy it ended up costing me over $1.00 per bowl so I had oatmeal instead.
An empty box of Quisp Orange Quangaroos are on sale at eBay for $300. I wonder what it would be worth with the cereal?

My stuff on eBay is more reasonable:

CLINTON WATCH: His nose grows!
SPOONS - Very Detailed - ITALY - Set of 2
Prudential Life Insurance - THIMBLE
Mount Rushmore 1991 Half Dollar Coin
IRISH BREAD Freshly Homemade by Grandma Nora!
The Clash - Set of 4 Buttons
A found a new weblog that I like, it's a fire inside. I like a lot of things there.

Monday, April 02, 2001

Are those high heels really practical for riding a motorcycle or does Tiffany Joi think they'll enhance her chances of winning the Hit The Beach Contest?
Decoded Hailstorm press release
The HailStorm architecture provides common identity, messaging, naming, navigation, security, role-mapping, data modeling, metering (think "Pitney-Bowes" - cha-ching! cha-ching!) and error handling (think "blue screen of death") across all HailStorm services. And rather than risk compromising the user-centric model by having advertisers pay for them, users will pay directly for value received.

Users will pay. And pay. And pay.

via Web Informant
Niagra (this is an 18+ link)
The aqua-colored "aphrodisiac energy drink" might have been created by a Willy Wonka who went bonkers in the jungles of South America, snatching up unpronounceable herbs — damiana, shizandra, as well as the more familiar ginseng — and then mixing them with carbonated water and sugar, plus a healthy dose of caffeine. The result? A $4.50 drink that women report makes them relaxed, tingly in the right places and fired up for a night of nookie.
Now, let's see what's happening in sports, take it away girl in bikini reading sports news.
Mainly, this is a site for me to look at pictures of myself, but sometimes you may enjoy it too, as you might be the kind of person who enjoys reading my material without paying for it. This site is free, and this is my promise to you: it will remain free until I can think of a good way to charge for it.
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Symantec's AntiVirus Research Center today confirmed that foot-and-mouth disease cannot be spread by Microsoft's Outlook email application, believed to be the first time the program has ever failed to propagate a major virus.

Sunday, April 01, 2001

And in Survivor news:
Colby went on a bender that left him face down in a San Angelo parking lot.
And, of course, he was planted in "a large puddle of his own vomit."