
Friday, February 04, 2022

NFTs are a scam, built on top of crypto, which is a Ponzi scheme hidden behind a curtain of deception.

NFTs are a scam, built on top of crypto, which is a Ponzi scheme hidden behind a curtain of deception.

Me: Computer generated NFTs of poorly drawn apes with ill-fitting artificial appendages are ugly.

NFT Fan: It’s not about the NFT, it’s about the (Discord) community.
Me: Have you seen the Wizard of Oz?
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” the “Wizard” yells in vain. He has been discovered and they see him for who he really is.
NFTs are ugly, worthless computer generated bad art, based on top of a Geppettoed together blockchain system that feels like it’s foundation is built on top of a spite-bank programmed in BASIC by a fictional Larry David character, that’s powered by massive energy consuming and environment destroying off-brand computer farms sitting in off-shore countries run by faceless enterprises.
The blockchain’s links are as weak as Olive Oyl’s pencil-thin arms, and we see daily examples of Mary Kay scammers losing their money as they try to exploit holes in the system only to end up exploited by their own greed.
How long would gas fees, crypto transaction fees, exist if we had to pay exorbitant gas fees to buy gasoline?
Influencers are influenced to get in early, and use their influence to influence others to get in late to the Ponzi party.
What’s their Kred* now?