
Monday, October 22, 2001

RedDwarf likes it when I tell stories here. Ok, here goes.

Saturday morning my wife took me to her health club and I took a class. Back in the old days I used to do aerobics with her and haven't done anything like that in a very long time. This class was a weight training class that used weights, bars, rubbers stretchy things and steps. It was a great workout and I can still feel it. Her club is probably the best place in Boston to meet women. She doesn't mind if I look. Too bad men can't get into the woman's sauna. I hear they are nude in there!

On Saturday afternnoon we finally got to see Serendipity. I loved it. It's my kind of story, Boy Gets Girl, Boy Looses Girl, Boy Gets Girl. It's that standard plotline of 75% of the movies out there. Even though I knew that was the plotline before going in, I was totally into this movie. Kate Beckinsale had a lot to do with that. John Cusack is cool. Just as cool as he was in Say Anything. Jeremy Piven was in there with him too. After the movie we went into town and ate some amazing salmon at The Vault. Sam Adams Octoberfest was on tap. It's the perfect beer for fall. It's in the finiancial district. After that we got home in time to see most of the VH1 Concert for New York. It rocked.

Sunday we woke up to weather reports of temperatures in the 70's, so we drove down to Cape Cod. It only takes a hour and a half from our house. That rocks. We stopped off at the 99 Restaurant and got lunch to eat on the beach. We went over to Seagull Beach and had lunch on a blanket and then took a nice walk. There were tons of sea shells washed up on shore. Cape Cod beaches are the best. We are so lucky that they are so close. We did some shopping nad then hung out at The Chatham Bars Inn. We had some beers at the bar and watched the New England Patriots have their best game in years. We were thinking of staying the night, but decided to eat dinner and then drive back, so we went to Captain Parkers Pub for the best Clam Chowder in New England, had some beers and then drove home.

That's freedom!

It was a great weekend.