
Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Comcast to me: Change your email address, someone else has it already.
Please note your username has been identified as one that needs to change because it is already in use. We have selected a new username for you as indicated below:

Old ATTBI username:
New Comcast username:

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are unsatisfied with your new Comcast username and would like to select a new username, just visit ATTBI member services to select a new one. Please note the primary account owner must log onto this site to change all e-mail IDs.
Hello people.

I went to your web site, but there isn't any way to select a new user name at ATTBI member services!

I called customer support and they told me, "Oh, I got another call on this. We are transitioning the computers. Keep trying for a while and then try some more tomorrow. It should show up."

Hmm.. If I was working at ATTBI Comcast, I'd wait until all the links in my email worked before sending out the email!

Who needs this kind of frustration?