Dear Abby: I am a 14-year-old girl about to start my freshman year in high school. Most of my friends (including myself) have Web logs -- or "blogs."Dear Abby's answer can be found on her blog.
Blogs are online diaries where we record all kinds of stuff about ourselves. Of course, we're careful not to give out personal information like where we live, etc. But some of my friends get very offended at what is written about them.
I have several friends who have stopped speaking to each other after reading not-so-nice things about themselves in the blogs. I speak from experience, because I've been repeatedly bashed for my anti-war views, among other things.
In spite of this, the Web log trend continues to be popular. What's your opinion on this?
-- Bloggin' and Lovin' it in New Jersey
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Online diaries can cause teen friendships to suffer.