
Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Lola Topher
The Restaurant Is Real, No Really, It Is.
Well maybe they re-shot some things and they throw in a lot of shots of Coors beer, but other than that it's really real.

Cast Member Blogs
Gideon Horowitz.
He fell twice. Once for real and once for the cameras.

Uzay Tumer
The fire, law suit, car towed, running out of wine, glasses and Gideon falling are all real events that happend, not staged.

Lola Belle.
Gideons fall was real (they re-shot it but he did really slip in the dish room).
via [ MSNBC Weblog Central ]

Topher Goodman has a website too.

How much to tip.
Oh, so it's $1 per drink.