
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

FeedBurner Support for iTunes is Live

Burning Questions - The Official FeedBurner Weblog: Support for iTunes is Live:
"Instructions for SmarterCasters
For the nearly 10,000 of you podcasters currently using FeedBurner's SmartCast service, all you need to do is check a box to include iTunes enhancements and then provide your own description, copyright, author names, etc. Don't forget to include a link to your logo (if you have one). You can also select the correct iTunes-provided category so your podcast is assigned to the appropriate directories."
It's good news for videobloggers, vloggers, videoblogcasters, videopodcasters, videocasters, videoblogiocasters, visualmediacasters and mediacasters too.

Now if only Apple would add video to their existing categories, the vloggers would be happy. Then iTunes users could easily find videoblogs.