
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Update: Wine Direct Ship To Mass

My friends over at Free the Grapes just sent me an update on the status of a bill regarding shipment of wine to Massachusetts residents from out of state.

It's ironic that I have to get an update from out of state, after I contacted a number of members of the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee.
Update: On November 3, the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee voted H. 4477 out of committee and the bill was sent to the House Ways and Means Committee. H. 4477 is bad for consumers and wineries because it prohibits out-of-state wineries from shipping directly to MA consumers if they have been represented by a MA wholesaler within the last six months and if they produce more than 30,000 gallons of wine a year! (It is unclear whether this prohibition applies to wineries under 30,000 gallons, who are also represented by a wholesaler).
Please visit and click on the Massachusetts link in the middle of the homepage and use the website to personalize a message to your state Representatives and Senators.

I am in favor of having no restrictions at all.

Please help me to Free the Grapes.