
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Vlog Soup featured on

Thanks to the guys at for featuring me and Vlog Soup on thier front page.

We had lunch on Monday and they are working on some exciting things.

They are "building the most comprehensive Podcast Directory to include the latest Podcast news, reviews and ratings, and software & tools for Podcasting & Audio Blogs."

I'm looking forward to seeing more of

Added note:
I'm trying to work out how to use a custom template in Typepad to allow me to create a seperate feed BY category so that people who only want to subscribe to Vlog Soup or The Carol and Steve Show can do that. I'd also like each category to have a unique graphic at the top of the page.

TypePad support told me to use this page by Michael Hanscom to understand how to get a separate RSS feed per category, and a custom page header:

Blogware already does this pretty easily. I wish it was something I could do with having to resort to custom HTML coding. Wordpress does it too.