
Monday, February 06, 2006

Boston Media Makers: February 5th

Boston Media Makers
Meeting Notes

We started off migling and having coffee and pastries until 10:30 when we adjourned into the Sweet Finnish meeting room.

I had them turn up the heat.

I started the meeting with a a brief introduction of the day's agenda and then called for New Business, which drew a laugh from those in attendence.

Nathan brought a friend Evan who was excited to be here, but did not know quite why.

This promoted us to go around the room and introduce ourselves.

Next Aaron showed us how Rocketboom's sound was uneven and explained that when watching it on your TiVo the loud parts make it almost unwatchable.

He then showed us, Waves, a neat tool that smooths out the levels for your audio. Works on both a Mac and PC.

After much technical talk, Aaron showed a video of Amy's, Why Not, and mine, Wage Peace, to move the discussion along towards video editing.

Next was Michael Oh to show how the Pulse Point works and how we can add content. If you want to add content to the Pulse Point, just drop Michael an email. You've got to head over to Sweet Finnish to see the Pulse Point.

I then showed everyone the Boston Media Makers Forum, where we'll be able to self-organize and decide the topics and form of the mini-meetings we'll be having between the monthly BIG meetings on the first Sunday of each month. Go take a look and joint the discussion for what you'd like to see happen at future meetings. We're looking for people to come forward to make these meetings fun, interactive and un-meeting like.

Next up we looked at a few attendees vlogs.

Brittany had a new vlog, bshoot, with her first post. The audio speakers had been put away so there was not great sound, so you can look at that from home. We're going to get some speakers and leave them in the room so we'll always have them.

Nathan said he made up a vlog. The last time he introduced himself as not having a vlog, he was booed. I said that wasn't right, but others felt that the booing was warrented. They were kidding, I hope. ;-)

So we looked at his site, Hooray For Funn, and saw that he had video on a web page. I said that it wasn't a vlog, since it didn't have a permalink and Nathan asked what is a pemalink, in addition to asking, 'What is a vlog?'

So everyone wanted me to explain, and as I started to explain what is a vlog, three video cameras came out to record the explanation.

Video by Jeff from, Steve Garfield explains, what is a videoblog? [ QuickTime Video ]

I basically said a video blog is video on a blog. What Nathan had done was not a video blog because it had no permalink to the post and no real mechanism for how you would post video #2 and have it displayed and linked to.

Next came the question, "Can you have a video podcast without a video blog?" The short answer is yes. That's a lot of what you see in the Apple iTunes Store. RSS feeds of video where the videos are no where on the web to be viewed. These video makers want to make you subscribe to their RSS feed in the iTunes store so that they'll get a high ranking in the store and get more viewers because they are highly ranked.

It's one way of doing it. can do this for you.

Following this, we had a discussion of Blinking and Winking lead by Holland Wilde and joined in by Amy Carpenter and others.

It was one of my favorite parts of the meeting.

I think we've got a really good thing going here. What form it will take in the future is anyone's guess nad that is a good thing. Head over to the Boston Media Makers Forum and let's plan the next meetings. The next BIG MEETING is going to be on March 5th, with little meetings each Sunday until then, if people are interested in self-organizing them.

After the meeting I spoke with DC Dennison about having attendees go out and shoot video of parts of Centre Street nad bring back edited videos for the next meeting. I think that would be really interesting to see what peopole shoot and how they edit it.

I also started talking to a few people about filming out own version of a telenovela, that would be JP based, include Spanish speakers and have blogs and vlogging in the story line.

Looking forward to the next meeting.