
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

SXSW Music Fest kickoff party

JD writes about the SXSW Music Fest kickoff party:
"If you'll be at South By Southwest in Austin, Texas, next week, for either the Interactive Festival or the Music Festival (or, heck, the Film Festival), stop on by the IODA (Independent Online Distribution Alliance) Kickoff Party on Wednesday, March 15, from 1-6 pm to hear some great indie bands (I'll be interviewing several of them for a podcast) and to see some cool video mash-ups that I'm helping to coordinate with a team of terrific videobloggers."
I made a cool mash-up for the band, The Herms. JD said it looks amazing.

We used the drag and drop interface of SpinXpress to send the music and video files around, without using a central host.

I could definitely see how using SpinXpress amongst a few editors to collaborate on a music video could work although we didn't do that this time.

I'll be at SXSW on the 11/12/13th, so I won't be able to make it to the Music Fest kickoff party, but if you're there, check out my video and if you like Rock-and-Roll, go see Waltham.