"John Toby Knudsen, 34, a North End computer consultant who is descended from a signer of the Mayflower Compact and advocates a monthlong television embargo for city residents. (Point your TV toward the wall for a month and see if your life isn't better, he says in his online platform.)You've gotta love Boston politics.
Christine Amisano, 54, of Charlestown, who calls herself ''a child of the '60s' and says she'll stop at nothing to reform city schools, except going to lots of night meetings. ''I am not into staying out five or six nights a week,' she said. ''That won't be happening.'
Ben Joplin of the North End, ran against Scapicchio in 2003, though his name then was Ken Fowler. He said he would lead an uprising in the North End to secede from Boston and take the name Timmy."
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Losing Boston City Council Candidates
Donovan Slack of The Boston Globe writes about some of the more interesting candidates running for a newly vacant Boston city council seat, New hats in the ring: