
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mom and Me at Blogher

IMG_4425 by Paynt Ball, uploaded from flickr.

It's so cool that so many more people can see how excited my mom is by learning new things and meeting new people.

She was just telling me that when she started blogging, she had no fear. Like Arinana Huffington, my mom is fearless!

As for the Hyatt San Jose, this MOTEL was a big dissapointment. The staff was frazzled and didn't care. It was the small things and that big things that they failed at.

No morning newspaper at my door, internet connection in the room was broken for my whole stay.

One last thing, my mom read the onine reviews and told me before we checked in that people saw cockroaches here.

I saw a cockroach the size of a Buick walking down the hallway. Hyatt should be ashamed to have their brand on this hotel.

Tags: Blogher_06, Blogher06, Blogher.