
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Josh Wolf: Day 2

Andy Carvin writes about videoblogger Josh Wolf: Video Blogger Jailed for Contempt:
"Having video blogged anarchist protests myself, I can sympathize with Josh's plight. I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable handing over footage of protestors either. Yet I can see the judge's point of view: Josh isn't protecting an anonymous source, nor was the footage shot in private. I wish I had a stronger legal perspective on the situation, but I have a feeling the judge may be right on this one, whether I like it or not. I just hope Josh doesn't have to spend the next year in jail. More power to him for standing up to defend his principles, though.... "
Jeff Jarvis writes about Josh Wolf:
But what is to stop any witness to a crime from blogging and claiming to be a journalist, cutting off prosecutors from evidence needed to try criminals? Yes, what would stop Tony Soprano from blogging to claim the shield: ‘I’m what you call a citizen journalist. You godda problem wid dat?’...

Blogging was a helluva lot easier when all we wrote about was our cats.
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