
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Chris Brogan

Chris and Steve

It's Chris Brogan's Birthday today.

He writes: Who Am I Really .

As his gift, he wants his readers to share their stories.

Here's what I shared in the comments over on his blog:
Happy Birthday, Chris!

I HAD to be the 4th person in a row to say that. Ha ha.

I love looking towards the future. I look at things as they are and work towards getting them to the next level.

So far this year I've been involved in some exciting projects including live mobile broadcasting. I brought Qik together with both Seesmic and Mogulus to produce some groundbreaking election coverage. That excites me.

I'm exploring the differences between all the streaming services and am writing up a post about how they all compare to each other.

I'm also looking into the convergence of personal, mobile and broadcast video.

I'll be speaking at Streaming Media East and New Media Expo this year. I love speaking at conferences and getting a chance to meet so many people that I only know online, and also love the opportunity to see people I only see once or twice a year.

I also enjoy getting people together to talk about what they are doing in the media space. Boston Media Makers is going strong and I'm happy to see it spread to other cities including Phoenix, Washington, D.C., Denver, Providence, R.I. and London.

I'm interested in the future of personal content and how we'll be able to share and keep track of it all.

Carol and I enjoy producing The Carol and Steve Show. As you know it enhances the experiences we have. Recent travel episodes have been very popular and we are working on development of that into something more.

I love how you have a book at the proposal stage... Ha ha. Me too. Doesn't everybody?

I like how you have identified three projects to focus on in 2008-2009. That's a good idea.

Hope to see you soon!

Go Sox!
