
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Streaming Media East

Streaming Media East was great fun.

The night before Streaming Media East I attended NYC Video 2.0. Companies are given 5 minutes to present their products.

Here's Jose Castillo, an astronaut and Mike Hudack from

Video Spacemen in NYC

It was a great opportunity to attend a NYC video 2.0 event. I thought some of the questions asked were pretty tough. Tough crowd. Tough Crowd. But was told later that they were mild in comparison to the usual.

The first day of SME, I moderated a panel with Bhaskar Roy from Qik and Max Haot from Mogulus.

Bhaskar and Max

SMS Live Streaming Panel

Here's some video from our session. More to come.



I also was excited to get a chance to say hi to Kevin Nalty, Nalts on YouTube. I'm a big fan.

Nalts at SME with Viral Video

It was a great moment when he fell off the stage.

You'll be seeing that in video in the future.

Later that night there was much fun had with Belgian Beer, Food and Friends and BXL Cafe:

Steve and Hillary

Larry Kless made a nice blog post including the live video I made during Jose Castillo and Tim Siglin's Streaming Media East podcast.


Watch and Listen.

On day 2 I was on a panel on Lifecasting... Great to share the stage with Sarah Meyers Austin of Pop17, Sariq Reichert of Flixwagon and Scott Monty of Crayon. Scott Monty shares his thoughts here.

Here's some video from that:

This conference gave me a lot to think about.

There's an appropriate place to use all of this new technology. Sometimes you can just do a raw live stream, other times a shorter story.

Looking towards the future we are going to see lots more devices that support live streaming and the quality we'll be able to share in both audio and video will get better and better.