
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin received more valuable clothes in one month than the average American household spends on clothes in 80 years

Palin Clothes Spending Has Dems Salivating, Republicans Livid:

2 Years of Edwards Haircuts
...if Edwards had gotten one of his legendary haircuts every singe week, it would still take him 7.2 years to spend what Palin has spent.
$2,500 per day
Palin has received the equivalent of $2,500 in clothes per day from places such as Saks Fifth Avenue (where RNC expenditures totaled nearly $50,000) and Neiman Marcus (where the governor had a $75,000 spree).
Palin is not like the rest of us
"It shows that Palin ain't like the rest of us," Tom Matzzie, a Democratic strategist told the Huffington Post, when asked how the party would or could use the issue. "It can help deflate her cultural populism with the Republican base. The Plumber's wife doesn't go to Nieman's or Saks."
Four times a plumber's salary
Palin's fashion budget for several weeks was more than four times the median salary of an American plumber ($37,514).
80 years worth of clothes
Palin received more valuable clothes in one month than the average American household spends on clothes in 80 years.
Health care for 15 people
...her clothes were the cost of health care for 15 or so people.