It was bad enough when the City of Boston installed a NO TRUCKS sign on the street, but today the City of Boston Public Works Department just installed a Street Cleaning sign that's going to be valid only two more times this year, then valid starting again next April.
Couldn't they have planned ahead and put the NO TRUCKS sign on the right hand side of the street, so that they could have just added the STREET CLEANING sign to the same pole?
Street CleaningPosted Street Cleaning Program
2nd and 4th Tuesday
April 1st to November 30th
12 NOON - 4PM
Daily, from April through November, contracted and City-owned mechanical sweepers maintain (weather permitting) over four hundred curb miles of posted streets Citywide. Over one hundred curb miles swept nightly, year round in Downtown Boston, and an additional 40 arterial streets citywide swept once a week.Street Sweeping Lookup & No-Tow™ Registration
After your search results are returned, you can register for No-Tow™ email reminders.