
Saturday, July 17, 2010

How the FREE Wired Magazine iPad Reader on the iPad Works

Wired App on an iPad

I was just reading the hard copy of Wired Magazine and saw a section called APP FAQS, which answers some questions about the Wired Reader on the iPad, but with information that is already out of date.

Some highlights:
The app now costs $3.99. [Editor's Note: Not any more]

We'll offer bundled print/iPad Subscription options starting this Fall.
That's not right.

When I go to the App Store, the App is now FREE.

I searched for more and found this, Wired’s iPad App Boasts a New Feature: A Price Cut:
The second edition of Condé Nast’s much-praised Wired magazine iPad app is out, and it boasts some new features. The biggest one: A 20 percent price cut.

The magazine publisher sold some 95,000 digital copies of its June issue at $4.99, the same price the ink-and-paper edition commands. So why sell the July issue at $3.99–while also knocking down the price of the first issue to the same level?

Condé says it will be experimenting with digital magazine pricing for months to come.

The app itself is now a free “wrapper” that you’ll use to purchase, view and store different issues of the magazine. If you purchased the first edition of the magazine and want to buy another one, you’ll have to go through the slightly cumbersome process of downloading the new app, then reloading the old issue back into the wrapper. There’s no cost to reload the issue, but it will take time, as it’s a really big file.
It was confusing to be selling multiple version of the app, as issues of the magazine. This is a better way to do it. Give away the app for free, and allow in app purchases of new issues.

Much clearer.

Free Version of the Wired App in the iTunes Store

Check out the iTunes Preview page for the WIRED Magazine By Condé Nast Digital iPad App.

Note: That link might automatically open up Apple's iTunes Store. #Fail