
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Running the Charity Gauntlet in front of JP Licks

This man in front of the Jamaica Plain Post Office has just run the charity gauntlet in front of JP Licks. Wikipedia defines Running the Gauntlet this way:

Running the gauntlet (originally gantlet, and, rarely, gantlope or gantelope) is a form of physical punishment wherein a captive is compelled to run between two rows—a gauntlet—of soldiers who strike him as he passes.
Yesterday it was Planned Parenthood.

Charity Asking for Money on the Street
It seems like every time I walk by JP Licks, one charity or another is asking me for money. The solicitors work in pairs, and stand in such a way, to make sure they can approach every person.

I Give Online
My own policy for charity is that I select charities that I know and give to them online. I never give to people who come to the house, call on the phone, or ask for money on the street.

Well, there was this one time that I supported the local school and bought the $10 seeds in front of JP Licks. Those are coming up great.

The Charity Gauntlet Isn't Right
But back to the charity gauntlet.

It's not right.

I don't think we should have to walk through this gauntlet of charity solicitors every time I want to walk down the street in JP.

How do you feel about it?

Is it legal?

Do they need a license from the State Attorney's Office?