
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Interesting new video shopping site: JOYUS

joyus by stevegarfield
joyus, a photo by stevegarfield on Flickr.

Video Product Page: Tatcha Beauty Papers

Welcome to JOYUS:

"The concept for Joyus came to me late one night when I was seeking a little break from email with some online retail therapy. As I clicked on product image after product image, it dawned on me that surely there must be a better, more entertaining, inspirational, and authentic way to shop online.

We see video as a gamechanger that can bring a flat shopping experience to life. On Joyus, your shopping inspiration starts with fantastic products curated by passionate hosts. But it’s through the power of video that these products come to life. We take you beyond the flat product image and show you why each item is truly great – and how to make it work for you."