
Monday, July 01, 2013

Boston Mayoral Election 2013: The Websites

I visited the websites for the candidates for Mayor of Boston.

Does this tell you anything about the candidates?


It does show you what impression website visitors get when they visit.

Let's take a look at the header image on each site. Click each image to visit the site.

The candidate has an image of himself right at the top, and just below is a rotating photo slide show. As you scroll down there a video. On the side bar you see Instagram activity.

Links to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are provided.

Candidate has a rotating slideshow just under the header where his photo shows up.

Just below is a candidate statement.

Links to Twitter and Facebook are provided.

Image of the candidate at the top of the page with a YouTube video interview.

Links to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are provided.

Candidate image below the header and candidate statement.

Links to Twitter, and Facebook provided on a secondary contact page.

Candidate has an image of himself at the top, and just below is a rotating photo slide show. As you scroll down there a video and posts with campaign activity. On the side bar you see more photos.

Links to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube are provided.

Candidate has a rotating slideshow at the top where his photo shows up, but not in every photo.

Just below is a campaign calendar, a video and posts with campaign activity. On the side bar you see more photos.

Links to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube are provided.

Candidate image below the header along with highlighted news items.

Links to Twitter and Facebook are provided.

Header graphic highlights an image of Boston.

Below that is a candidate statement.

Links to Twitter and Facebook are provided.

Candidate has a rotating slideshow at the top where his photo shows in almost every photo.

Just below is a video and posts with campaign activity. On the side bar is a twitter feed.

Links to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are provided.

Pop Up! When visiting this site, you're greeted by a pop-up asking for a donation.

Candidate image on Facebook page.

No site found:

David James Wyatt.

Which site do you like?

Which candidate do you like and why?