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Thursday, September 02, 2004

Orwellian Convention

Dowbrigade has been watching the Republican convention and sees it as Compassionate Fascism:
It is positively Orwellian the way they have used the lens of the government and the media to distort the image they project, turning it almost upside down. A rush to war becomes a drive to peace. Apparent peace becomes secret war.

So we are starting to entertain fantasies of turning Republican, making influential connections, and joining the ruling class. We can only hope that before we fall irretrievably under the spell of these masterful media magicians and vote for a Republican for the first time in our long electoral career, we will have the sense to pull the plug on the set or somehow disable the damn transponder they have planted in our brain. For we know after a lifetime of research that even the most engaging and persistent hallucinations eventually fade, and one comes crashing back to cold, hard reality.
Lots of people are saying, "Hey, these Republicans aren't so bad after all."