Notes, Images and Video links from my '
Video on the Net' presentation, '
A New Look At Content' 3/21/2007.
Watch a video of my presentation
A Moment In Time

The exciting thing is that I was able to record the video and post it to my VOX blog from the street over Wi Fi.
Cellphone Video Slush Report via WiFi.
A Newsworthy Moment - DEVAL PARTICK

This next video shows how people are going to be able to capture newsworthy moments and share them, moments that would otherwise be lost.
This was an exciting moment, and I was there with the nokia n93, that I had in my pocket, and was able to capture and share it.
This speech was not posted to the campaign website or shown on tv that day, I had it posted that night.
I got comments on this video, that it helped people make up their minds to vote for Deval Patrick.
Deval Patrick: Just Words Speech 10/15/06.

This video was shot and edited with a nokia n95 on a 15 minutes train ride in boston from green street to downtown crossing.
I shot the video and learned the video editor in 15 minutes.
I also added credits and a music track.
Green: Recorded and edited on a train with an N95.

This is a new internet tv show I am producing with boston cookbook and health expert Nina Simonds.
It is on the web at
Spices of Life.
Here I used to Nokia N93's, it was a two camera shoot. Ha ha.
I edited it with Final Cut Pro...
Spices of Life - Needling Nina: Accupuncture with Dr. Zhu.
