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More: | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Planet of the Apes Movie
Or maybe "Cowboys & Aliens"
Yahoo WebPlayer
How to set up the new Yahoo! WebPlayer.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
twitter images
You can now see a grid of twitter images that people have recently shared, on
Thursday, August 25, 2011
This Week In Steve: dropcam, Steve Jobs, charity:water, iPhone Photography, Movie Looks HD, CineSkates
Niche Digital Conference Publisher's Online Video Workshop
Check out the updated Niche Digital Conference & Publisher's Online Video Workshop brochure:
Online Brochure: Online Video Workshop
I'm doing the lunch keynote. All attendees get a free copy of Get Seen! September 28th in Chicago!
Keynote: Video Soup - A Tasting Menu of Great Video Recipes and How You Can Learn From ThemThis is going to be fun.
Steve Garfield
Each week on, Steve highlights the videos that people want to watch. Join Steve as he guides you through some of his favorite videos and talks about what makes them great and how you can replicate them. He'll talk about casual video, product videos, videos without using video, sharing video directly from the device you record with, and more. Bring your appetite, and your questions!
dropcam internet video monitor

I just installed the dropcam internet video monitor. I got it as a demo unit.
This is a great solution to monitor your home if you are going to be away. Hurricane baring down on your area? Install a dropcam internet video monitor and keep tabs on your home via a web page or iPhone or Android device.
The dropcam is an internet video monitor that is easy to install. For something that has to hook up via WiFi, the installation was seamless.
After following the web based instructions, my dropcam was running on WiFi and I could place it anywhere. The video quality is great.
The BASIC features are always free:
- live viewing on your laptop, iPhone, or Android device
- motion and audio alerts sent to your email
- motion and audio notification sent to your iPhone or iPod Touch
You can upgrade to PLUS for $8.95 per month:
- offsite storage so your video stays safe
- 7 days of DVR recording so you don't miss a thing
PRO increases the DVR storage:
- 30 days of DVR recording so you don't miss a thing
You can keep your dropcam video feed private, choose to share a link with family and friends, or make your dropcam public and optionally embed it on a webpage.
Take a look at some Public Dropcams.
Where to Buy
You can buy the dropcam online. The audio enabled dropcam costs $279 and the video only version is $199.
I'll be talking about the dropcam on today, 8/25, at 2 ET.
Jobs charted a completely different path
Boston Globe, Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple:
Steve Jobs, the technology genius who revolutionized personal computers and transformed the way hundreds of millions of people listen to music and use mobile phones, stepped down yesterday as chief executive of Apple Inc., the company he cofounded 35 years ago.One of the authors of this article, my friend D.C. Denison, gave me a call for a quote:
Jobs, 56, was the creative force behind the Mac computer, the iPod music device, the iPhone, and the iPad tablet computer. He has been battling a rare form of pancreatic cancer for at least seven years, and underwent a liver transplant in early 2009.
“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know,’’ Jobs wrote in his resignation letter. “Unfortunately, that day has come.’’
Steve Garfield, a Boston online video personality, consultant, and author, remembered being wowed by Apple at the Boston Computer Society meeting in 1984, when Jobs introduced the first Macintosh computer to an enthusiastic crowd of local computer hobbyists.
“He took the Macintosh out of a bag and let it introduce itself, in that computer voice,’’ Garfield recalled. “The audience went absolutely crazy. People were screaming.’’
Garfield bought that first version of the Macintosh, and since then has purchased “at least 10 Apple products: a bunch of iPods, iPhones, Macbooks, iPads. What I like about them is that you just turn them on and they work.
“Take a look at the remote control to your cable box, with all its buttons, then look at an iPhone,’’ Garfield said. “That shows you how Jobs charted a completely different path.’’
charity:water September Campaign
The 2011 September Campaign. Our 5-year-anniversary video from charity: water on Vimeo.
In five years, you've helped us fund more than 4,000 projects that will serve over two million people around the world with clean and safe drinking water. Because of your generosity, some of our partners are now working at full capacity. To keep growing, we need to give them the equipment they need to drill even more wells each year.
Join us by starting a campaign on 100% of what you raise or give during the September Campaign will help us buy a new drilling rig fleet that can to provide clean water for 40,000 more people each year in Northern Ethiopia. We're turning five -- help us go faster.
Join us here:

Learn more with guest Paull Young on today at 2 ET.
Paull Young interview on 8/25/11
iPhone Photography in NY Times featuring Doctor Popular
Photo DocPop: CC BY-NC
Doctor Popular is featured in this NY Times article on iPhone Photography. See him on today at 2 ET.
NY Times - Strolling Artists, Bearing iPhones
With help from the Instagram app, Doctor Popular’s remarkable photographs have quickly established him as an innovator who uses the iPhone as a powerful tool for creative expression, rather than as a pocket-size plaything.NY Times - Tricking Out Your iPhone Photos:

Photos: Doctor Popular photos courtesy NY Times and Doctor Popular
Doctor Popular Interview on 8/25/11
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Movie Looks HD for iPhone
Movie Looks HD by Red Giant Software
To celebrate the Original iPhone Film Festival, Movie Looks is free from August 23rd to September 1st!

Original iPhone Film Festival
Boston Skyline from the Charles River
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
CineSkates Camera Sliders: Skateboard Wheels for your Camera Tripod
CineSkates Camera Sliders by Justin Jensen
CineSkates are a set of three sliders that attach to a tripod and enable fluid, rolling video without the hassle of bulky equipment.Cool.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Les Miserables on America's Got Talent
When I saw Les Miserables on America's Got Talent I said, "contest over, these guys just won it all." Then I realized I had walked in on a promotion for the national touring company. LOL.
Watch on Hulu:
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Matthew Hincman Bench is Back at Jamaica Pond
The Matthew Hincman Park Bench is back at Jamaica Pond.
Video Interview with Matthew Hincman
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Video Marketing Made Simple: Live, online classes October 13–26, 2011

In October, join MarketingProfs University for Video Marketing Made Simple, an 11-class course created to get you up to speed on video marketing with real advice and practical teaching.
This course features expert instructors like Tim Washer, Joe Eldridge, and me who will teach you, answer your questions, and network with you in the exclusive Video Marketing Made Simple Facebook group.
Register now to ensure you're using the latest video tools and tactics to reach your customers.
Save $200 with code MEDIAMAKERS (affiliate link)
Here's my session:

It's going to be fun...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
John Herman on #SGTV
Watch the recording:
Guest John Herman talks about new ways of interaction on Google+ including:
The (Google+ Hangout) Game Show
The Google+ Interactive Adventure
The (Google+ Hangout) Talent Show
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Thursday 8/18 at 2 ET with Guest: John Herman Thursday 8/18 at 2 ET with Guest: John Herman , a photo by stevegarfield on Flickr. Thursday 8/18 at 2 ET with Guest: John Herman as we talk about new ways of interaction on Google+ including:
The (Google+ Hangout) Game ShowAlso tune in as guest co-host Maggie Rulli and I talk about:
The Google+ Interactive Adventure
The (Google+ Hangout) Talent Show
Google Translate: Where is the bathroom?Join us Live at 2:00 ET on Thursday.
Foursquare inline photos
Wistia add video transcriptions
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Push Button to Cross
Stephen Colbert in Space
Christian Madclay’s The Clock
How to Be Black by Baratunde
Watch the video archive - John Herman on
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Image: Copyright Simon and Schuster
Product Details
Simon & Schuster, November 2011
Hardcover, 448 pages
ISBN-10: 1451648537
ISBN-13: 9781451648539
via CNN
Order on Amazon
Steve Jobs: A Biography by Walter Isaacson
Christian Marclay's The Clock Film Comes to Boston
Christian Marclay The Clock 4.07-4.12 via This is a Start
MFA asks early birds to pay $200 to see ‘Clock’
The MFA is charging $200 for the chance to view the first complete Boston presentation by artist Christian Marclay of “The Clock,’’ a 24-hour film installation made up of hundreds of movie and television clips with references synched to real time. The work, which has generated critical acclaim and enthusiastic crowds at other locations, will be presented during the Sept. 17 opening of the museum’s Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art.
Flock Around ‘The Clock’
But at 9:30 Wednesday morning, with the cold wind raising tears in their eyes, Nick and Elspeth Macdonald from Park Slope, Brooklyn, huddled dutifully in front of the Paula Cooper Gallery along with 20 other people. They were all waiting to get inside to spend a little time with “The Clock,” the widely praised 24-hour film by Christian Marclay that weaves together thousands of snippets from throughout the history of the movies (and, to a lesser extent, television), each clip marking the precise minute, or sometimes the second — with a glimpse of a clock or a watch or a snatch of time-related dialogue — in which the viewers are experiencing it in real time.
Artists at work
Slave to the rhythm
Christian Marclay on deadline
CHRISTIAN MARCLAY, a visual artist and musician, is finishing a masterpiece. He is cooped up in his walk-in-closet of a studio on the fourth floor of a townhouse in Clerkenwell, London. He has calluses on his fingers from clicking a mouse—or mice, rather, as his 24-hour video, “The Clock”, is too big to be loaded onto a single computer. Sometimes he bandages a couple of fingers together to stave off carpal tunnel syndrome. Who would have thought that making concept-driven art would be so physical?
“The Clock” is a montage of clips from several thousand films, structured so that the resulting artwork always conveys the correct time, minute by minute, in the time zone in which is it being exhibited. The scenes in which we see clocks or hear chimes tend to be either transitional ones suggesting the passage of time or suspenseful ones building up to dramatic action. “If I asked you to watch a clock tick, you would get bored quickly,” explains the artist in remarkably neutral English. “But there is enough action in this film to keep you entertained, so you forget the time, but then you're constantly reminded of it.”
Artworks based on appropriation sometimes get ensnarled in copyright issues. “Technically it's illegal,” Mr Marclay says of his elaborate re-mix of cinematic snippets, “but most would consider it fair use.”
Christian Marclay's The Clock: a masterpiece of our times
I should confess, when I first sat down to The Clock, that I had a sneaking, off-message feeling that the humble YouTube "number" compilation might actually be delivering the same idea with less fuss. But that's not true. You have to settle into The Clock, and go into the extraordinary trance-like state that it induces. When I first arrived, I found myself giving a little amused laugh at each appearance of the time. Then the novelty wore off and I became silent. Some other people, arriving after me, went through the same process. I arrived just after 11 in the morning and left before 1pm, so I went through the midday climax of emotions: I expected, and got, Gary Cooper in High Noon. Then there were a lot of shots of clocks and watches and lunchtime and people wondering if it was time for lunch. There were, generally, a large number of shots of Big Ben and large institutional clocks, lots of scenes of people hurrying for trains, late for trains, early for trains, hanging around on platforms. The Clock might turn out to be one of the great train movies.
Christian Marclay’s New iPhone Ad?
In his 1995 film Telephones, artist Christian Marclay spliced together snippets of actors from Hollywood films answering phones. Apple contacted Marclay, he says, to get permission to use the concept for a new iPhone ad (above) that debuted during the Oscars.
He refused. They took the idea anyway.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Interesting new video shopping site: JOYUS
Video Product Page: Tatcha Beauty Papers
Welcome to JOYUS:
"The concept for Joyus came to me late one night when I was seeking a little break from email with some online retail therapy. As I clicked on product image after product image, it dawned on me that surely there must be a better, more entertaining, inspirational, and authentic way to shop online.
We see video as a gamechanger that can bring a flat shopping experience to life. On Joyus, your shopping inspiration starts with fantastic products curated by passionate hosts. But it’s through the power of video that these products come to life. We take you beyond the flat product image and show you why each item is truly great – and how to make it work for you."
Thursday, August 11, 2011 Today at 2 ET Today at 2 ET on
*Steve Rosenbaum* @magnify
Curating the internet with trusted and loved sources.
iPad AppBook "The 911 Memorial: Past, Present and Future"
*Maggie Rulli* @MaggieRulli with the Best 15 Minutes of Internet TV
#heello #songify #MoviesOnYouTube
Vloggercon 2005 Interviews
Steve Garfield's After Vloggercon 2005 Interviews with Jakob Lodwick, Ryan Hodson, Human Dog, Michael + Dylan Verdi
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Heello gives you a way to post to heello, and twitter and facebook at the same time.
Identify the Rioters in London!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Thursday, August 04, 2011
The Best 15 Minutes of Internet Television
Direct link to Video: with Maggie Rulli 8/4/11
GLMPS: Click the little photo to see the video
What GLMPS is:
"Click a snapshot with your iPhone, capture a photo and a glimpse of that moment forever. Instantly upload and share with friends and family via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc."
All my GLMPS'.
Blog post by Esther Crawford about GLMPS
My First Glimpse (as seen on iPhone):
Robert Scoble:
A GLMPS of Scoble interviewing GLMPS
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
(I Love The Image Of) Breaking Glass, and Water
Locked in a Vegas Hotel Room with a Phantom Flex from Tom Guilmette on Vimeo.
Tom Guilmette put together this great video of his night alone with a Phantom Flex camera in a Vegas hotel room. This camera captures 2,564fps at a 1080p native resolution.
Read more:

My friend Christian Payne aka Documentally just had his Google+ account suspended. Probably because of the "." he used as his last name.
My Take
Google needs to do a better job programming their skynet robots to give users a chance to clean up usernames where they are not in violation of their common name policy.
It's just a "."
His Post
Another one bites the dust. Thanks Google+ 8/4 at 2 ET
I'll be talking about Google+ Names tomorrow at 2 ET on with Kosso.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
New fashion and lifestyle site from
Nice use of video on the product pages.
@Kosso will be on on Thursday 8/4 at 2 ET to talk about Google+, Identity, and Snapvox. #FreeKosso