Thoughts on CBS This Morning's Survivor Coverage:
Bryant Gumbel is a dope. This morning he said to Jayne Clayson, "well I tried to look surprised because there's a bit of preperation that goes on beforehand." Here we all thought that the votes were sealed. Well I guess someone has to put them in order so it becomes a 6-6 tie going in to vote 7.
Bryant Gumbel is a dope: Bryant asks Tina, "How did you feel when Colby voted for Keith." That's a stupid question because Colby voted FOR Tina, not AGAINST Keith. Bryant probably didn't even watch the show.
Bryant Gumbel is a dope. Jayne Clayson just said, "look at it this way, Colby is $100,000 richer", Bryant says, "but he's $900,000 poorer." Bryant is a half-empty type of guy.
Congratulations Tina.
Amber: Pose for Playboy.