I'll be taking a break from posting until July 11th.
Until then, please take a look at some of the sites I really like:
A Fire Inside is by an internet friend of mine. My wife doesn't like it when I tell her I made a friend on the internet, but it's ok, really.
Evhead is by Evan, who runs Blogger.
The Web Today has a great design featuring three interesting categories of links.
What's Funny Today is easlily digestable because they feature only three links per day, but they are usually funny ones. Well, maybe the links themselves aren't funny, but their comments are. Quality not quantity here.
gleanings is all about user interface and user experience. I get lots of good links from this mailing list.
NetWatch is a new weblog by a writer from the Boston Globe. Quality postings.
parallaxview another internet friend from the UK. He writes all about things that are going on over there. Sometimes I don't have a clue about the local stuff, but one thing is true, he likes to post links to pretty girls.
photographica is a fairly new site where you can post a photo and get comments. Very interesting.
Scripting News is one of the longest running weblogs on the net. Lots of info on technical stuff with some personal posts mixed in.
Signal vs. Noise is a weblog from a design company. Nice and clean with great posts.
Sticky Buffalo is a new one for me.
The Ultimate Insult has lots of links to the weird and unusual of the net. This site is a great timewaster.
Angelina Jolie wet! has a gallery of photos of Angelina Jolie. This link generates a lot of hits for me.
Drudge Report was a weblog even before weblogs. Links to all the big stories.
JimFormation another internet friend. He's a good writer and photographer.
MetaFilter is a group weblog where someone is bound to comment on a news item as soon as it happens.
Humor in the News is where I make fun of the news.