I'm going to drink some Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale. People who've had it rate it highly.
I'll be back soon.
New York Post / Lou Lumenick:In a range of 1-100, metacritic gives this movie a 4. Go see how other movies have been rated.
So unremittingly awful that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines.
"It was amazing," says 101, "we went to club after club. We never paid a cover, we never paid for drinks. We were escorted to the VIP tables. In Minneapolis the Geek Squad has been around for 10 years -- they're treated like rock stars. I mean, when has a computer tech ever been treated like a rock star?"
Find out how the prostate gland plays an important role in sex by joining me on my mission to reach planet prostate.via [ everlasting blort ]
We think that it is necessary that Fox not only reveal the voting results, but also have them audited by an independent company.A Weblog: American Idolatry.
My last car was so bad, to get rid of it, I had to perform a reverse carjacking. I got out of the car, held a guy on the street at gunpoint and said, "Get in!"Maybe that's why Evan made him a Blogs Of Note.
He became really confused when I stole my own hubcaps.
British scientists have found even modest amounts of alcohol will make the opposite sex appear better-looking.Mmm... Beer.
A preemptive war against Iraq, legally impermissible, morally unpardonable, would be a cause for shame to future generations. Let the debate begin, not just in Congress, but throughout the nation.There should be a debate about this, right?
"I woke up the next morning and my thumb and index finger were still jerking back and forth. I thought I had injured myself."I guess he liked Ryan Starr a little too much.
Andromeda makes it super-easy to manage and deliver audio, video and other files over the Web, local networks, and on standalone PC's.Share your music from your folder full of mp3's.
Tea Timer is a countdown program which helps you remembering when your tea is ready. [ For Mac OS X ]from [ Handpicked Software for OS X ]
The pictured girl told the world under tears that she saw how Saddam Hussein's soldiers took babies out of their incubators and let them die on the cold floor.Hmm... So if that wasn't true, what else isn't true?
"When we die, we don't go to purgatory. We just land up on the roof and lay there."
It doesn't make for blood and guts when Vin is issued a pistol that shoots fifty different kinds of...darts!? Darts?!? Is Vin out to save the day or play a game in an Irish Pub?Mmm... Irish Pub.
After more than 20 years of research and scores of studies on the effects of moderate alcohol consumption on health, beer is slowly bubbling to the top as a beverage that not only lifts spirits but delivers protection against major ailments such as heart attacks, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and dementia.I'm starting a followup study today!
Homer, Barney, Apu, and Seymour sing together professionally on the weekends in an a cappella group called the Be-Sharpes. The four have agreed orally to split any revenues and expenses equally. No written agreement covers their relationship. All four have other jobs, with the weekend singing income serving as a nice supplement to their other income. Last weekend, the group was scheduled to sing at Tipsy McStagger's Good-Time Drinking and Eating Emporium. Homer never showed up. The group performed anyway and received its $1,200 fee. The group incurred approximately $200 in expenses. Upset by his absence, Barney, Apu, and Seymour did not share the $1,000 profit with Homer. Discuss whether Homer has a valid claim to $250?I'd say no.
Overdoses of water can cause water intoxication that can lead to confusion and even death.Mmm... Give me a beer.
Just wait awhile until Ford Prefect shows up (read the junk mail while you wait). Ford seems a trifle preoccupied with the sky, but he is aware enough of you to try and give you back your towel. Don't take it, or he'll leave and you will be a lot worse off than you ever imagined.Ahh... Don't take the towel.
Christina Christian was taken to a local hospital to be treated for dehydration after succumbing to stress.And that was before she was kicked off the show.
10 REM Basic version of 99 bottles of beerIt looks to me like the first line should actually be: FOR X=99 TO 1 STEP -1.
20 FOR X=100 TO 1 STEP -1
30 PRINT X;"Bottle(s) of beer on the wall,";X;"bottle(s) of beer"
40 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around,"
50 PRINT X-1;"bottle(s) of beer on the wall"
The Hamas published a leaflet saying:
"if you want to be safe and secure, leave Israel and go to the country where you came from. Otherwise, everywhere in Israel, schools, universities, markets and houses will be a target for us."
The key to this innovative memory enhancement technique is "association."Orange.
British television bosses have banned a lingerie advertisement featuring Kylie Minogue because it is too raunchy for the box.The world's most erotic lingerie ad [ Video clip ]
Art Mondrala, a pale, monastic-looking man, is shrouded in the deep gray of his Hollywood office at the Ant Farm, a company that edits trailers for major movie studios. It's an unrealistically sunny day in June, but Mondrala is huddled over his computer, just as he has been since October. He has been working 60-hour weeks cutting the previews for just one movie: ''Signs,'' the new Touchstone film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?
By his own count, the tall 44-year-old has won or tied for first in 16 hands-on contests, collecting about $160,000. He doesn't do much else. He lives with his mother and hasn't held a long-term job since the mid-1980s, soon after he discovered that in one 97-hour span, he could win a truck worth half his annual pay as a produce manager in a health-food store.via [ The Web Today ]
Royksopp's new video, "You Remind Me," is an amazing collection of morphed infographics.Cory 'told' me about it!
Go, go, waste the rest of the day reading Simpsons stuff online.
Bart: It's valuable, huh?!
CBG: Ooh, your powers of deduction are exceptional. I can't allow you to waste them here when there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go, go, for the good of the city.