Movie Making Magic Closes Down Local Pub.
Dennis Lehane's Mystic River, which is being produced and directed by Clint Eastwood, is filming at Doyle's Cafe in Jamaica Plain today.
Question - What's Speed's real name?
Answer - Speed's name is "Speed Racer" in America. Speed's name in Japan is "Goh Mifune". However, there was a Speed Racer comic book that came out in the 80s where his real name was "Greg".
A smallpox release by Iraq could cause a worldwide calamity of biblical proportions.
On June 17th, every year, the family goes through a private ritual: we photograph ourselves to stop a fleeting moment, the arrow of time passing by.Hey Sebastian, please don't grow a beard!
All about sex, culture, technology, art, politics, gossip, ideas, drugs & rock & roll ... but mostly sex.via [ random abstract ]
The mission of is to offer our readers unconventional viewpoints from which to observe current events, and to encourage new thinking about the causes and effects of those events.
Nick Nolte has checked into a rehab clinic in Connecticut.I wrote a few new jokes.
After he gets his hair rehabbed he might consider some substance abuse counseling too.
This page was generated entirely by computer algorithms without human editors.Cool.
No humans were harmed or even used in the creation of this page.
If you're ever shooting a movie about two people falling in love, I can't urge you strongly enough to cast a pair of people who are actually falling in love. The chemistry between Ben and Jen is so palpable, you could almost bottle it and sell it as an aphrodisiac.via [ ]
I want to be a pediatric (baby) marine biologist because I like the ocean, small things, and animals. :-)