Macworld - The NORTH Building Rocks!
After spending some time in the Final Cut Pro User Group Theater I started looking around the show floor.
The vendors here are so nice. They tell me that all the big companies are over in the South Building.
Less is More.
So I started off in a booth where a guy made a man disappear. It's this software called mokey. It actually takes a series of still images that you took on your video camera and modifies them to remove any object that you don't want in there. The guy at the booth is a riot and worth talking to.
Next I saw there nice handouts on a garbage barrel. They were high color printed on heavy stock. So I found the booth, #3840, and it turns out that they placed those handouts there for me to pick up. Nice marketing! These guys are and they'll print out business cards, and posters and all kinds of stuff for you. Go over there and touch all the paper. It's fun!
I gotta go back to check out the South building and get my hands on those new Powerbooks, so I'll leave you with a quick list of other booths that are good:
SLIMP3 - A very cool looking network mp3 player.
XtremeMac - A quiet encloseure
Primera Technology - A CD Duplicator and CD Burner all in one!
Dr. Bott - extendAir - Extends the new Apple Airport 250 and 500 feet
VRSHowcase - 360 degree panoramic photos from a single exposure using a mirrored doo-hickey.
CustomFlix - They manufacture and distribute your DVDs for you.
RadTech - ScreensavRz - Keep your Powerbook screen scratch free when you close your laptop. It's a screen cleaner too.
TackyShirt - Is producing a very funny series of DVD training videos.
EJ - A cool 33 1/3 disk that goes on your turntable to give you control of your Macintosh media. Party tonite at VideoSalon 8-12 150 FOLSOM ST. VideoSAlon is an open community of SF video artists and these EJ guys will be there too.