It's a One Speed.
I bought a madwagon for $49.99.
What a deal.
I've been looking for a cheap bike for a long time. A buddy gave me an old bike that he found in the basement of a house he was remodeling. I took it up to Ferris Wheels in JP and they said it would have cost $60 to get it into working condition.
No thanks.
I wanted to pay that price or less for a bike.
I'm not planning on riding it all the time, so I just wanted something for tooling around on.
So I took the new bike down the basement and did some work on it. I took the kickstand and water bottle holder off the junk bike and attached them to the new bike.
I adjusted the seat and handle bars and ut air in the tires. Now it's ready to go.
I'll see you over at the Arnold Arboretum.
I'll be the guy riding around in circles.