Lost Remote: Study: Viewing content on TV and web equally desireable:
"TV is not superior to the web when it comes to video, despite what most TV execs today will say. TV is superior to the web when it comes to watching TV. But the web is better than TV when it comes to short, on-demand, unique video that fulfills an endless array of niches."One other important thing, the web is better than TV for interactivity.
Can you talk back to your TV? Can you contribute to a TV show? Do TV shows even want to hear from you?
Take a look at what Ze Frank is doing with the show. In addition to comments, he engages his audience with additional projects like the earth sandwich project. Ze has even asked the audience to write for his show on fabuloso fridays. The first viewer written show was last week. Like we say in the un-conference movement, the intelligence is in the room. When more entertainment producers realize that the intelligence is in the seats, I know we'll see some amazing things.
This is really groundbreaking.