Hey look, Chris has a new logo too:
Chris Brogan Logo
I left a comment, on Chris's blog, outlining some of the things I've done to promote my book, Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business.
Promoting Books: Inbound Marketing, Crush It, Trust Agents, Get Seen, New Rules
Here's an expanded version of my comment. I'll be adding to this post.
Here are some of my efforts promoting my book Get Seen.
One of the best things I did was make an introductory video about the book and get it posted on the book's Amazon.com page:
I've heard a lot of good feedback about that video.
When deciding what type of landing page to set up; for my book, I asked my twitter followers what they liked better, A splash page with a big photo marketing blurbs, or a community page where people could see that I would interact.
I ended up settign up a NING community for my book.
It's here:
And I made a URL redirect to it using this URL:
That way If I ever decided to change my book's site, people can use hte same link and be directed to the new page.
On the NING site I have a blog where I've posted updates. These are new developments that have come out since the book was released. The way I set this up is to grab posts tagged with "get seen" from my delicious page.
I set up special twitter and facebook sites for the book. That's where I post more promotional book news so I don't clutter up my regular twitter and facebook accounts with all book news all the time. I'm not sure if I'd do that again and might just concentrate on my regular twitter and facebook accounts. That's still an open question.
Following Chris' example, I set up a Where to Buy Get Seen page. It's a blog post.
I'm using a site called profilactic to keep track of press mentions and interviews. Makes it very easy to add links with custom descriptions.
One thing that I've been very happy about is hte support I've gotten from my Publisher, Wiley. I've asked them to help out in areas where they have expertise.
A few things they've helped me with:
- Collateral for the book including huge posters and bookmarks
Get Seen Poster Board used in recent Brightcove Webinar
- Custom banner ads
Custom Banner Ad
- Custome magazine advertisements
Custom Magazine Ad
Those are some of the ways I've promoted my book. Let me know if you have any questions.