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Sunday, June 11, 2006

YouTube Helps Kids

Jason Feifer interviewed me, Carl Weaver, and Brookers, among others, for this article on YouTube for the Worcester Telegram & Gazette News, Video makers find a vast and eager audience:
"Seven months ago, when she (Brookers) first began posting videos, she was shy and self-conscious. In high school, she said, she was invisible. Some classmates never heard her voice.

But on YouTube, she found a way to show off her more relaxed, absurdist side. It was like being in the spotlight, but at a safe distance from the crowd. When positive feedback began pouring in, she was encouraged. She had always enjoyed making people laugh, and now she was doing it en masse.

The hate mail only toughened her, she said. She learned to ignore it, and to stop caring so much about what other people think. And in these seven months, she said, she’s emerged from a shell — confident, determined, talking about her successful future in terms of when, not if.

Anyone can see it ... online."
Nice article. It would be even nicer if it had online clickable links to those mentioned in the story, especially Brookers and YouTube. I mean, it IS an article about YouTube.

Jason writes in to tell me that he has a sidebar in the online version of the story with links to all the people and sites that he mentioned in the story.

I totally missed those links when I first read the story online and thought it strange that they have Carl's Worcester Diaries URL in the text of the article, but you can't click it.
