Categories: Food | Travel | Beer | Wine | Boston | Humor | TV | Tech | Pop Culture | Politics | Golf | Video | Photo | Auto
Sponsored: Samsung | Cadillac | Volt | GMC | AT&T | Gear List: Cameras, Lights, Microphones, etc.
More: | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Sponsored: Samsung | Cadillac | Volt | GMC | AT&T | Gear List: Cameras, Lights, Microphones, etc.
More: | Steve Garfield's Video Blog (archived 6/19/2013)
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” | Mastodon
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
You Can Email Videos to YouTube
All you must know - 10 Email Addresses That Will Be Useful When You No Internet Access:
"5. … - YouTube member can create an MMS profile here - if you have a video clip on your mobile phone or comptuer but no access to YouTube website, you can easily upload that video file to YouTube through that email address. "Cool.
Facebook | Terms of Use
At Podcamp someone said that when you post your content to Facebook, they own it and can do anything they want with it.
That's not exactly right.
Facebook | Terms of Use:
That's a good idea.
That's not exactly right.
Facebook | Terms of Use:
"When you post User Content to the Site, you authorize and direct us to make such copies thereof as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the User Content on the Site. By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content."It was suggested that you read the terms of use before clicking the "I Agree" button.
That's a good idea.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The scream, featuring Steve Garfield and Jonny Goldstein
The scream, featuring Steve Garfield and Jonny Goldstein - Originally uploaded on flickr by jonny goldstein.
pulverTV on blogTV
pulverTV on blogTV - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
This is cool.
Here's an archive of my hosting stint on with Eric Beck and Justin Johnson from Next New Networks and Cliff Ravenscraft of
Visit Justin Johnson's Video blog page.
Tim Shey writes about the interview over on the NNN blog, The original videobloggers meet.
Update II:
Jeff Pulver's Reflections on pulverTV’s Broadcast LIVE from PodCamp Boston 2
Update III:
VIDEO: DESKCAM Eric Beck and Justin Johnson.
Here's a different perspective of my hosting stint on from Podcamp Boston 2. This footage was taken on my Nokia N95 that I resting on the desk.
My mum can't open things!
Steve Garfield show us how his mum can't open things!:
"I think it's great that Steve's 82 year old mother, Milly blogs and video podcasts too! She has a series of videos which show her inability to open things. Very cute and funny! :) "Watch the video on
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Natalie Gelman
I met Natalie Gelman tonight at the opening night party of Podcamp Boston at Tequila Rain.
She'll be playing at the Saturday night party from 7:00 - 7:15.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Video Blog: Under the Philadelphia El Train
Cassidy Hartmann writes in Philadelphia weekly about filmmaker David Kessler in On the Right Track
It arrives like clockwork—or as close to clockwork as things get in this city—cutting through space with a roaring rush of steel on steel. It’s so omnipresent many say they no longer hear it at all, but to a newcomer it can sound like an impending storm, a growl of thunder that momentarily overtakes the neighborhood, booming by on rails that cast everything beneath it in cool, hard shadows.Shadow World - David Kessler's videoblog.
This is where the characters live.
Nancy. Maria. Nick. Strawberry. They all reside near the stretch of El tracks that cuts up North Front Street and along Kensington Avenue. And though most of them don’t realize it, they’re also connected by something other than geography: the lens of David Kessler.
“It’s weird because in my head they’re all celebrities,” says Kessler, who lives in a cramped padlocked apartment at Front and Dauphin streets, a block from the El. “But I have to remember they probably don’t remember me. It’s like a five-minute interaction.”
Kessler, 32, is a spindly, soft-spoken artist and filmmaker from the suburbs of North Jersey, who moved to Philadelphia in 1996. He’s talking about his cast of characters—subjects of his latest project, a video blog called Shadow World that’s recently been getting attention from filmmakers, bloggers, journalists and even historians.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What's the City of Boston Ballot Look Like?
I visited the Register to Vote - City of Boston web page to get a look at the upcoming General Election ballot.
I don't see one there.
I emailed.
No response.
I don't see one there.
I emailed.
No response.
Flak Photo of the Day October 25, 2007
See it here: Untitled, Portland, Oregon Photo © Bob O'Connor.
I love this tilt-shift effect. I have page 56 ripped out of the OCT 2007 issue of Wired that shows you how to do this.
I love this tilt-shift effect. I have page 56 ripped out of the OCT 2007 issue of Wired that shows you how to do this.
Audio Posting from an iPhone
Trying out Utterz, auto posting to Blogger and Twitter and talking about Podcamp Boston 2.
Mobile post sent by stevegarfield using Utterz.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blogging Heroes
Blogging Heroes - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World's Top Bloggers
In the book, Banks interviews 30 of the World's Top Bloggers.
You can read the chapter in Blogging Heroes where Banks interviews me here. [ pdf ]
Food Network Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto
Food Network Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
Watch Morimoto: Samurai or Chef? Part 1 over at Spices of Life.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Morimoto Star Wipe
Seesmic Video
Just added a star wipe to an Iron Chef Morimoto video I'm working on for Spices of Life.
Just added a star wipe to an Iron Chef Morimoto video I'm working on for Spices of Life.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Rocketboom Report: GM Volt
Rocketboom Report: GM Volt - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
Watch Rocketboom today for my report on GM's Volt Electric car.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Stupid Vloggers Vlogging
I just realized that this twitter post: New Seesmic post: LOIC - Stupid Vloggers Vlogging links to the YouTube video of Loic Le Meuir that I just shared on Seesmic.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Steve Garfield: How It All Began
Online Videos by
Sunny Gault posts her interview with me about how I got started in videoblogging, and the early history of videoblogging. Thanks Sunny...
It's so great to have this, so people can hear the story of how I got started in video and blogging, way before videoblogging.
Now I'm going to have to get those old cable access Steve's Show videos posted to the web... Stay tuned.
via [ Viral: The Channel Blog ]
David Howell asked some questions about the interview so I posted some clarifications on the Videoblogging list.
Here they are:
On January 1, 2004 I decided to figure out how to put video on a blog and did it. I was unaware of anyone else having ever tried to do it. I'd never seen video on a blog. Adrian Miles was experimenting in 2000 and you'll see his entry on Wikipedia.
In the interview I am just talking about January 1, 2004 and earlier. Lots of people started videoblogs after that date and continue posting video to blogs.
I'm referring to the fact that I personally was able to get FCP, a Mac laptop and GL/2 prior to 1/1/04, and have the technology in house and available to produce video on a blog.
I also started a videopodcast blog to experiment in including video in RSS 2.0 with media enclosures for distribution. So that was in addition to the regular video blog I had.
A videoblog is video on a blog and a video podcast is video delivered over RSS 2.0 with media enclosures.
Current Has New Terms just relaunched with new terms:
User conduct and submissionsDiscuss.
1. Any material that you submit to the Site including, without limitation, content, information, ideas, comments, blogs, vlogs, suggestions or other materials ("Submitted Materials") shall be subject to the applicable terms and conditions set forth herein. You hereby agree that any communication or Submitted Materials you do transmit to us by electronic mail or otherwise will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and you grant to Current the rights defined in the applicable submission terms.
2. Current does not claim ownership of any communication or material you submit or make available for the Site and you are entirely responsible for everything you upload, post, email or otherwise make available on the Site; provided, however, that by uploading, posting, emailing or otherwise making available any communications or Submitted Material on the Site, and solely in consideration of the possibility of publicity and professional credit, you hereby grant to Current the non-exclusive, royalty-free perpetual right to:
1. Exhibit, display and otherwise distribute your Submitted Materials or any communications via Current's web site (the "Internet Rights");
2. Exhibit excerpts of your Submitted Materials via all forms of media throughout the world in perpetuity solely for promotional purposes ("Promotional Rights"); and,
3. If your Submitted Materials embody any audio, visual or audiovisual material other than a Pod (defined below), you hereby grant to Current the non-exclusive, royalty-free perpetual right to exhibit and otherwise distribute that material via all forms of media throughout the world in perpetuity ("Media Rights"). In this connection, you hereby grant Current the rights of first and last refusal to acquire the Media Rights exclusively. Before you offer the Media Rights exclusively to any third party, you will give Current written notice thereof and Current will have a thirty (30) day period of exclusive negotiation. If an agreement is not reached within such period, Current will thereafter have the rights of last refusal, pursuant to which you will give Current written notice detailing the proposed terms and Current will have thirty (30) days to acquire the same on the same terms. All third party offers will be bona fide. If Current declines, you can enter into a third party agreement only on the exact terms offered to and rejected by Current. Any changed elements or terms result in a new right of last refusal for Current. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you acknowledge that any exploitation by you of the Media Rights shall be subject to the rights granted to Current hereunder.
3. You acknowledge that you shall not be entitled to any monetary compensation in exchange for Current's exercise of the Internet Rights, the Promotional Rights or Media Rights. However, you may revoke such rights in connection with your Submitted Materials at any time by written notice to Current, following which such rights shall revert to you and Current shall have no further right to exploit such Submitted Materials. In the event of such revocation Current shall have a commercially reasonable period of time in which to remove the Submitted Materials from any platform upon which Current has elected to distribute it. Furthermore, Current is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any communication or Submitted Material you submit to us for any purpose, at any time, and without any remuneration or obligation to you. Any modification of this Submission policy must be in writing and signed by an authorized Current signatory. Current shall have no obligation to post, exhibit, distribute or otherwise make use of any Submitted Materials.
4. With respect to any and all Submitted Material submitted by you, you hereby warrant and represent that such Submitted Material:
1. Is not unlawful, obscene, fraudulent, indecent; does not defame, abuse, harass, or threaten others; and is not hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
2. Does not contain any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bombs, or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, data, or personal information;
3. Does not advocate or encourage any illegal activity;
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5. Does not violate the privacy of individuals, including other users of the Site; or
6. Does not violate any applicable local, state, national or international law.
PodCamp Boston 2 Thanks Gold Sponsors
PodCamp Boston 2 Thanks Gold Sponsors Student Loan Network and Jeff Pulver:
"PodCamp Boston 2 Thanks Gold Sponsors Student Loan Network and Jeff Pulver Founding Sponsor Student Loan Network Returns to Sponsor Offline Social Networking Party; Jeff Pulver Sponsors Saturday Night Event"
Embedding Ask A Ninja Blades of Glory
While exploring the video features of Castfire I saw that they allow you to modify the post roll of any ads you already have posted. So for example in this brilliant clip where the Ninja interviews Will Ferrell and Jon Heder, from the movie Blades of Glory, the postroll ad is for the new Ask A Ninja community site.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How To: Fix a Black Frame glitch in FCP
Amanda Congdon had a problem with her most recent AC on ABC Video blog . Black glitches were randomly showing up in her video.
Here's a screencast showing how to fix bad frames in Final Cut Pro.
What you have to do is go into the sequence and delete each offending frame and replace it with a good frame.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Seesmic day 8
Loic Le Meur meets people at the Podcast and New Media Expo including my favorite French vlogger, VinVIn!
Sanchez Speaks on Iraq war 4 Years too late
Ex-commander calls Iraq war 'nightmare' - The Boston Globe:
"Sanchez said he was convinced the American effort in Iraq was failing the day after he took command, in June 2003. Asked why he waited until nearly a year after his retirement to voice his concerns publicly, he responded that it was not the place of active-duty officers to challenge lawful orders from civilian authorities."One of my least favorite sayings, "It's always been done this way."
Friday, October 12, 2007
Viral Guru
Online Videos by
Sunny Gault interviews me for Viral: Guru. 5 Steps to starting your own video blog.
Chuck Olsen, Benjamin Franklin and Kenyatta Cheese
Chuck Olsen, Benjamin Franklin and Kenyatta Cheese - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
Vlog Soup: Viral on Veoh's Sunny Gault
Vlog Soup: Viral on Veoh's Sunny Gault - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
I had a blast meeting Sunny Gault at the Podcast and New Media Expo. In this episode of Vlog Soup, Sunny tells us about the new Viral on Veoh Channel and her new shows: Guru, Propaganda and Underground.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A New Type of Morning Radio Show
Clea Simon talks to John Hockenberry about his new morning radio show which is "a joint effort of Public Radio International, WNYC, BBC, The New York Times, and WGBH:
Yesterday morning when I was driving to the airport at 4:53 AM there was no traffic on the threes. I did hear a caller call in and talk about a mess of garbage strewn along I-93. The host said he'd inform the traffic department.
Phoned in twittergram (audio)
What I would have preferred to hear was a call to people out on the road to call in and report what they were seeing on I-93.
When I got to the end of Storrow Drive, 93 South was closed and the road crew was just removing the barriers. I rolled down my window and asked how long until the road would open. He said it would open in a minute and loop around.
Loop around?
Ha ha. That's funny. How the heck do you loop around in BOSTON? At that point I was thinking that a real time chat with people would have helped me navigate he streets to 'loop around'.
Something like a live call in radio show where I could report the road closure nad get help from others on how to navigate the streets.
I figured it out and was able to 'loop around', but I did it on my own, with no help from morning radio.
Is there any news station that's actually live, taking calls from people in the morning as the theme of the show? The Talk of Boston?
Although the upcoming show, like "Morning Edition" (which will continue), will be news driven, it will, he promises, be faster - and different in style and content. Instead of prepared, researched segments, Hockenberry and Udoji will talk with reporters in real time, as well as with listeners via phone calls and e-mail. What listeners will hear is "two people trying to get to the bottom of this live, rather than people reading intros to pieces that in this century begin to sound like podcasts."This is a timely article for me.
"We believe in reporting, even if we don't believe in packages," Hockenberry says. "The show still has to be incredibly rigorous and fastidious, but the resources won't be going into the production of pieces."
Yesterday morning when I was driving to the airport at 4:53 AM there was no traffic on the threes. I did hear a caller call in and talk about a mess of garbage strewn along I-93. The host said he'd inform the traffic department.
Phoned in twittergram (audio)
What I would have preferred to hear was a call to people out on the road to call in and report what they were seeing on I-93.
When I got to the end of Storrow Drive, 93 South was closed and the road crew was just removing the barriers. I rolled down my window and asked how long until the road would open. He said it would open in a minute and loop around.
Loop around?
Ha ha. That's funny. How the heck do you loop around in BOSTON? At that point I was thinking that a real time chat with people would have helped me navigate he streets to 'loop around'.
Something like a live call in radio show where I could report the road closure nad get help from others on how to navigate the streets.
I figured it out and was able to 'loop around', but I did it on my own, with no help from morning radio.
Is there any news station that's actually live, taking calls from people in the morning as the theme of the show? The Talk of Boston?
Sunny Gault Propoganda
Sunny Gault Propoganda - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
This screen cap is from Sunny Gault's New Show on Veoh, Propaganda: Podcast Expo, The Husbands, Around the World For Free.
Hi Sunny!
movie. pnme2007,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
America's Funniest Snack Food Comic
America's Funniest Snack Food Comic - Originally uploaded on flickr by Spices of Life.
When was the last time you saw standup comedy in the snack aisle? Meet Tim McIntire, HYSTERICAL comedian, and former junk-foodie. We had a BLAST romping around the supermarket and sharing our favorite snacks. Nina was trying to eat healthy and Tim, well, you’ll just have to watch the video, Healthy Food is a Laughing Matter.
Filmed at Roche Bros. in west Roxbury. Thanks Roche Bros...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
John Tobin's Fall Fiesta Halloween Party
Video: John Tobin's Fall Fiesta Halloween Party.
Boston City Councillor John Tobin provides the details for his 4th Annual Fall Fiesta Halloween Party. Saturday, October 20, 2007 4 PM to 7 PM Annunciation Hall, 7 VFW Pkwy, Roslindale, Mass. Kids and Seniors Free, Costume Prizes, Music, Food and Goodie Bags for Children.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
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