I'm going to SXSW for the third year in a row to reconnect with friends that I only see at conferences. Its like heading back to summer camp, although SXSW is a camp I like, as opposed to the camp my parents made me go to when I was little. That I didn't like so much.
In addition to seeing old friends, I'm looking forward to meeting internet friends like Sarah Meyers of Pop17 and Gary Vaynerchuk of winelibrary.tv who I haven't met in person.
As one of the organizers of the first vloggercon back in 2005, I understand first hand how important video is in enabling friendships to develop between people across great distances. I remember the first time I met Jay Dedman. We'd been watching each other's videos and communicating online for six months before meeting in person, and when we finally met, it was like we already knew each other.
I've had this experience many times since, including the second vloggercon in San Francisco in 2006.
There is now wealth of new media conferences including the NewTeeVee conference , the New Media Expo and Podcamps around the world where the web video community can get together.
SXSW is unique in that it combines Interactive, Film and Music. I enjoy the sharing of ideas that happens when more than just a bunch of video producers get together.
SXSW is THE place for videobloggers....
It's centrally located, there are lots of chances to meet each other 'out in the hallways', in the sessions, and at the after parties.
The podcamp's are usually regional and videobloggers from far away don't travel to all of them. So if you do go to one, you'll get a subset of vloggers. Other industry conferences might have a business or a television industry focus so those wouldn't attract a number of videobloggers either. There is a gathering in LA called Pixelodeon which atttracted a good number of videobloggers last year.
Almost all of my video blogging friends are going...
56 videobloggers have added their names to this list:
Quickly looking at it I see, Susan Kirkpatrick, Jonny Goldstein, Steve Woolf, Eddie Codel, Casey McKinnon, Chuck Olsen, Irina Slutsky, Zadi Diaz, Tim Shey, Bre Pettis, Laura Fitton, CC Chapman, Micki Krimmel, Andy Carvin, Erin Nealey, Robert Scoble, Roxanne Darling, Sunny Gault, Rocketboom , Kenyatta Cheese, and I know a bunch more are going and are not on the list.
I just searched Twitter for 'SXSW and video':
And followed this link:
sandieman awesome SXSW 2007 Video: http://sxswvideos.com/v/63d9a4aa/
Which went to MY OWN video from SXSW 2007... So cool...
Here's a site for SXSW videos
If you're going to Austin for SXSW, here's my SXSW 2008 schedule.
Say hi.