One part of this story that I think is interesting is the original quote from the newspaper:
""She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything," The Scotsman quoted her as saying."What do you think?
It's a question of what is on the record and what is off the record in an interview.
A reporter I asked about this thought that the reporter broke the rules of journalism by printing the 'off the record" comment. She told me that she would never have printed that.
On the other hand, an attendee at SXSW told me that unless both parties have mutually agreed that was was being said would be off the record, the reporter was able to print it.
He went on to explain that unless you have upfront agreement to go off the record, you can't just throw in "this is off the record" in the middle of an interview and expect a reporter to keep a big story secret.
I think that's what happened here.