"During the 2008 presidential elections, Hack The Debate showed us how Twitter could make television interactive and possibly even have a democratizing effect on the medium. The power of Twitter was harnessed to create new, compelling, and engaging programming. CNN was an early innovator with Twitter too. Our openness made it all possible.Transforming television.
Twitter's open approach might have the power to transform television—the dominant communications receiver worldwide. We're very excited to see where these experiments take us."
Jimmy Fallon is doing a great job connecting with his audience on twitter. It's a two-way conversation. Check out June's Wired for an article about Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Follow Jimmy's producer, Gavin Purcell.
Locally@WBZ in now twittering their 10 AM and 3 PM daily news meetings.
Radio stations are also exploring twitter.
@Karsonwithak is tweeting from his morning radio show on Mix 98.5. @WBUR is tweeting.
What media companies and personalities do you follow who are tweeting?
My friends Zadi and Steve at EpicFu might be showing TV the way forward.