Scott Monty has some fun over on his blog with the post, Social Network: The Movie, and starts us off.
Author & NML President Chris Brogan / Jeff Bridges
Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore / Orlando Bloom
Boston media maven C.C. Chapman / Simon Cowell
Author & PR expert Brian Solis / Johnny Depp
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Wait until you see who he cast me with. It wouldn't have been my first pick, but I can see the thinking behind it. I'd go with Jerry Seinfeld. :-)
Scott didn't want to use women as subjects. He didn't want to get into trouble, but he obviously left off these friends of mine who should be in the movie and don't need actors to portray them. ;-)
A PR Girl Trying To Change The World Jessica Randazza
Technology and social media blogger for Mashable Jolie O'Dell
Senior Manager of New Media at Coach, Inc., digital influencer and internet lover Julia Roy
Executive Producer at Life In Perpetual Beta Movie Melissa Pierce
Brand and content strategist Margot Bloomstein
Marcom Mgr for @Awarenessinc, PR Veteran, Serial Networker & Connector Christine Major
Web Personality Shira Lazar
New media producer, director and host Zadi Diaz
Social Media Marketer Cait Downey
Freelance writer specializing in social media Sarah Wallace
Actress, host and new media producer Lindsay Campbell
Wiley Social Media Editor Shannon Vargo
Host of Know Your Meme Ellie Rountree
My mom, elderblogger, Millie Garfield
Who would you cast in the movie?