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Monday, September 05, 2022

Midjourney: How To Upscale, Make Variations, and Upscale to Max

How To Upscale, Make Variations, and Upscale to Max:

Here I used the upscale button U1, for the top left image from my last post. Then I clicked on Make Variations to get four new variations of that upscaled image. 

Next, I chose Upscale to Max, and this is the result:

Here's an excerpt on upscaling from the Midjourney Quickstart Guide:

 Upscale Your Image or Create Variations

After a 2x2 grid of images has finished generating, two rows of buttons will appear:
  • In the top row: U1, U2, U3, and U4 are buttons for Upscaling your chosen image. Upscaling an image generates a larger roughly 1024x1024 pixel version of the selected image. By default, this will also generate additional details.
  • In the bottom row: V1, V2, V3, and V4 are buttons for creating Variations of your chosen image. Creating variations will generate four new images, similar in overall style and composition to the image you selected.
The order used by the numbered buttons (U,V) to select an image
After you use a 'U' button to upscale, you will have a few more options:
Here we used the U4 button, upscaling the bottom right image