If you saw the Oscars tonight, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Best presentation ever!
You guys rock.
Almost all of the human race were united today in a vast expression of joy in response to the newfound world peace.:-)
Jews on safari -Three lines. 5-7-5
map, compass, elephant gun,
hard sucking candies.
The Rosenbergs were standing in line in a movie theater in Tamarac, the Schusses were behind them. According to testimony, Mr. Rosenberg miscalculated the ticket price and looked for more change, that is when Mrs. Schuss said "three times eight is 24" and Mr. Rosenberg said "shut up."Hey Mr. Schuss, maybe spending the rest of your life in prison is preferable to spending it with Mrs. Schuss.
The defense says Schuss is legally blind and thought that Rosenberg was attaking his wife. He defended his wife by punching Rosemberg and his head hit the concrete pavement, went into a coma and died 16 days later.
I'm vaguely amused by the fact that people want to give him money.Ha!
Everybody knows that a condom doesn't prevent disease.Wrong.
Given the prevalence of STDs, young people need all the facts -- including medically accurate information on condoms.I guess he didn't really read the study, or wasn't smart enough to understand it.
The "Japanese Lady" on the left is a pretty famous one, since it was used in the original brochure. She started with a scan of a fine Japanese woodcut that Steve had procured.Whoa!
Most of my clients don't know much more about running a computer than pushing the ON button in the morning. They absolutely believe that the computer is just here to serve them and help them do their work better and smarter, so they don't bother to read the manuals, they just do their work.You'll be happier when you get a Mac.
Windows users always know to chant the right prayer to get up and running every day (well, almost always). Mac OS X people just don't bother to boot (arghhh... Now they don't even push the ON button!). The computer just STAYS ON 24/7 and they go weeks and MONTHS between booting (like when they come back from vacation or a business trip). To a guy like me who needs them to have MYSTERIOUS PROBLEMS, it's a total disaster. Some of them even forget HOW to re-boot! How absurd is THAT?
Get a Mac with OS X,Drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest.
Get cable or DSL connection,
Get rid of the PC before it eats more of your life,
Get and read the free ClueTrain Manifesto (cluetrain.com),
Get in touch with me or someone like me
and spend a little time learning how to use the
skills we can share with you. We’ll both enjoy it.
Get your life back.
Trailer for a movie out of Japan. Some amazing, amazing visuals in this one.The Apple 1984 TV Commercial meets The Matrix meets Robocop.
State lawmakers are convinced they have the answer to solve the D.W.I. epidemic and want to require everyone on the road to take a breathalyzer test before they can start the engine of any vehicle.Well, maybe drunk with power isn't exactly the right term.
Hello! I'm Lauren!! I WILL write back to your emails (as your girlfriend) and if you wanted I will leave a voicemail message for you too. I will send you one letter each week and will enclose at least one photo with every letter. I love to write and can't wait to share my hopes and dreams with you in writing.Me: "Honey, is it ok for me to get a girlfriend if she's not real?"
Six browning levels plus settings for bagels and reheating. Has two slots and one set of controls. Easy-Lift feature brings smaller items up high for safe and easy removal. One "fifties-style" backlit browning control dial and a "CD-style" pop out crumb tray combine fashion with function.It would be even cooler if you could put CD's in the crumb tray and play them.
The reporter had previously arranged to rent the pad at a lower price, but played along when the show's producers asked her to sign a lease at a 27 percent mark-up, the apartment having been spruced up by one of the apprentice teams as that week's assignment. It was also made to look like Young saw the apartment moments before the 5 p.m. deadline, when she was really at the apartment mid-afternoon.Further investigation on Google lead me to this article on Staten Island Live by the reporter, Deborah Young, where she explains how she didn't pay the 27 percent mark-up price!
I didn't end up paying that inflated amount for the one-bedroom plus office in Carroll Gardens.Whaaaaaaaaat!?!?!
That apartment had been promised to me earlier at a lower price, in the days when "You're fired," had yet to enter the lexicon.
A few days before I was to move in, the real estate agent called, saying the landlord had given the place to a reality TV show. I decided to show up, even though she warned me they'd fill it with $2,000 worth of tchochkes and try to wheedle a higher price... Off-camera, before I signed the lease, the landlord promised he'd make good on the original price.
The train was full of couples celebrating anniversaries, birthdays and other special occassions. Quite a number of couples were making out openly at the end of the train ride whose main features are a picturesque dinner on the train and a stop with a tour of a local winery.What happens next is not pretty.
For flagrant and willful removal of taxable beer for consumption or sale, with intent to defraud the United States of the tax thereon, all the right, title, and interest of each person who knowingly has suffered or permitted such removal, or has connived at the same, in the lands and buildings constituting the brewery shall be forfeited by a proceeding in rem in the District Court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof.I barely understand what they are saying here, and it's just one little part of the US Tax Code.
Handset manufacturers, such as Motorola, are turning to the fast emerging mobile Linux OS as a platform for phone development because of the flexibility, control and innovation offered by open source software.Cool.
It would be wrong to pigeonhole all blogs as tasteless rumor mills. Many more are simply pointless: containing links to other blogs, along with brief comments displaying no original thought.Hey!
K.R., an eighteen-year-old programmer from West Filabucket, Connecticut today revealed on his web log that he had discovered that one in three Diebold AccuVote-TS electronic touch-screen voting machines, which are being widely used this year in elections across the country, do not actually accept the voter's vote, but rather, are pre-rigged to cast a ballot full of Republican candidates.At least Nader gets no votes!
The Audience Choice Award for Best Music Video goes to "The Dumbing Down of Love," directed by Joel Peissig with a track by Frou Frou. Peissig worked with Andrew Bell of Method, and together they created a process that allowed them to render live action so that it looks like an impressionist painting in motion, with the rich, elliptical images perfectly matching the song's wistfulness.Weird.
HBO On Demand offers you over 100 titles each week, with new shows added every Monday, so there is always something new to watch. There are over 40 hit movies available at any given time and over 20 children's titles per month. Over 70% of the programming is HBO Original Programming, which includes series like The Sopranos, Sex And The City, Six Feet Under, and specials like World Championship Boxing and America Undercover. If you missed the most current Sunday night series episodes or the "Saturday Night Premiere" movie, you can catch them just a few days after on HBO On Demand.So unlike TiVo, you can't join in on a program that's already started.
Marc Juris, president of Fuse Music Television announced, “We're here tonight, Fuse and Koch Entertainment to offer William a real-life, no-kidding-around record contract.”William is thinking about accepting it.
``The voters of Wisconsin sent a clear message. The message was this: Objects in your mirror may be closer than they appear.'' - Sen. John Edwards, who finished a surprisingly close second behind Sen. Kerry in Wisconsin's primary election on Tuesday.Nice one.
You say the rich do not pay enough taxes. In 1979 the top 1 percent of earners paid 19.75 percent of income taxes. Today they pay 36.3 percent. How much is enough?I wonder what George Will would be like at Passover?
Every player has to take the Wonderlic intelligence test. Here's a sample question:Hey Michael,
A plane travels 70 feet in 1/10 second. At this same speed, how many feet will it travel in 3 seconds?
You can't take too long to come up with the correct answer (which is 2,450) because 50 questions have to be answered in 12 minutes.
January 28, 2005Ha!
BOSTON-- Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney fulfilled one of his constitutional duties yesterday when he named the replacement for former Senator John F. Kerry, who was elected President last November. Romney came through on a promise he made on air at WRKO and selected one of the station's talk hosts to be the Commonwealth's new junior senator.
"Nothing So Strange" is a feature-length faux documentary about the investigation into the assassination of Microsoft chairman Bill GatesNice How-To video about the making of Brian Fleming's documentary.
A rumor that was circulated widely on the Internet and in the British press, purportedly linking Senator John Kerry to a much younger woman, crumbled Monday as the woman issued a strong denial and the Internet site that launched the report changed its story.Moral of the story - Drudge was wrong.
Gail and Nick are talking on the dance floor, their dance is pretty much non existent. They don't have much space, and have to avoid people behind them knocking into them. This, in a way, brings them closer to each others. The song playing in the club is OutKast - The Way You Move
Ryanair has confirmed it is taking "no-frills" flying a stage further by ordering a fleet of planes without reclining seats or window blinds.That'll solve the problem of the inconsiderate moron in front of you pushing his seat back all the way!
Non-religious beliefs such as humanism, agnosticism and atheism would be covered alongside major faiths such as Christianity or Islam under draft guidelines being prepared by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, which regulates what is taught in schools in England.What is humanism?
At about 7 that night, while taking a sharp turn on Wild Ammonoosuc Road in Woodsville, N.H., Murray lost control and slammed into a snow bank. Shaken by the accident, and apparently intoxicated, Murray told a witness she didn't need help, local police said. The witness went to call the police and by the time they arrived Murray was gone.
"We're starting with a clean slate - I think," said Starr, who took with her a miniature replica of the Liberty Bell - a gift from the Philadelphia exchange intended to be used to start and end the trading day when the Baghdad Stock Exchange is back.How cute.
It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool.Sweet!
WE MUST NOT SCARE ANYONE AWAY from seeing the film. Let's face it - people don't talk much in movie theaters, just like they don't talk much in elevators. If we violate the social norms, we run the risk of ruining our chance to speak truth with credibility.Ha Ha!
Go together as a group, but SPREAD OUT in the theater for maximum contact with people.
DO NOT BOW your heads in prayer in the theater.
DO NOT PREY UPON PEOPLE as they try to leave.
Let's call it the Rational People's Party, or RPP. We'd meet every month to talk about local and national politics, to start new weblogs and meetups, to broadcast our ideas and invite political leaders to pitch themselves. If they wandered off-topic we'd ask them to get back on track. If one broke a campaign promise, this would appear on a public list, for every local RPP chapter to access.Dowbrigade calls it Breaking Out the Big Tent Movement
It seems to the Dowbrigade that there are all of the necessary elements in place to see an effective Movement coalesce and emerge from the dashed dreams and bruised egos of the Dean disaster. There is a large base of people out there who are deeply dissatisfied with the direction this country is taking, and they are gradually finding each other, and a voice, in the Blogosphere. They are motivated, educated, and ready to put their money where their keyboards are posting.I hope it could be as fun as Dilbert's New Ruling Class, the DNRC.
Mom: What church do you affiliate with? (OH NO!!!!!)Yikes.
Mer: I'm open ? I definitely believe. (translation ? church? huh?)
Mom: I want to know that my grandchildren would be raised in a Christian home.
Mer: Christian Dior? Oh that will work?.
Religion is really important to Lanny and hopes Meredith is 'willing to embrace things.' Shouldn't you have had this conversation a while ago? Kiss of death is when Mom launches into how Lanny would be head of household and Mer would have to respect that.
Ricky GervaisWhat do you think?
Simon Cowell - "That is quite simply...the worst Orbital Laser Array I have ever seen."
DJ Danger Mouse's recent Grey Album, which remixes Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles White Album, has been hailed as a innovative hip-hop triumph.EMI wants it out of stores.
Tech Superpowers has a plan for the betterment of the world through free WiFi.Donate your airport base station and they'll promise to use it for the good of the free WiFi community.
Bush: War on terrorCheers!
Kerry: Vietnam
Bush: Evil doers
Kerry: Band of Brothers
Bush: (pounding a fist) The Almighty, Faith-based, Mel Gibson, God Bless
Kerry: Ketchup fortune, good hair, tall, I can still drink
Bunnell's First Law of RetrievabilityKarl Sabbagh
Everything is retrievable.
Bunnell's Second Law of Retrievability
Everything is stored somewhere. The secret to retrieving things is simply finding out where they are stored.
Sabbagh's First LawIrene Pepperberg
Never assume.
All the mistakes I have made in my life—not that there are that many, of course—have been because I failed to follow my own law.
Sabbagh's Second Law
The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred.
Pepperberg's Law of Comparative CognitionGotta start working on mine.
Any behavior exhibited by young children that is taken as evidence of the early emergence of intelligence will, when subsequently exhibited by nonhumans, be interpreted by many humans as a set of simple stimulus-response associations lacking cognitive processing, whereas the stimulus-response explanation will rarely be used to re-interpret the behavior of the child.
Look, I'm sorry to have put you through all this. I was just goofing around when I made that comment about wanting to see a debate between the general and the deserter. I had no idea that it would lead to this. And there you were, having to suffer through Tim Russert on Sunday, saying weird things like "I'm a war president!" I guess you believe that, or you want us to believe that. Americans have never voted out a Commander-in-Chief during a war. I guess that's what you're hoping for. You need the war.He's a war president?
But we don't. And our troops in the National Guard don't either. I know you see the writing on the wall, so why not come clean now? We are a forgiving people, and though you will not be returned to White House, you will find us grateful for a little bit of truth. Answer our questions, apologize to the nation, and bring our kids home.
It is certainly time to ignore the polls, the pundits, and everything you've been told is the truth as of this moment.It sounds like he's right but if you believe his premise, maybe he's wrong.