The reviews of The Book Of Mormon Boston, on the Broadway in Boston Facebook page, pretty much nail it.
I agree with them.
Hard to hear.
Over the top in offensive material.
Dancing and singing were well done.
Performers were top notch.
Both the lead actors, Mark Evans and Christopher John O’Neill, and supporting cast were great.
I enjoyed it, but heard myself saying, to myself, "did they have to go there?"
Then I heard myself saying, to myself, "did they have to go there, again?"
Then I heard myself again saying, to myself, "did they have to go there, again?"
Come on.
I like making fun of religion as much as the next guy, and those jokes worked, but using deviant sexual behavior as a joke was too much. I usually belong the school of comedy where anything goes, but in this case it didn't.
Here's where our seats were at The Boston Opera House:
Nose bleed section.
I was thinking about my mom when I went to my seat. Are they serious. No handrails. Up on the Mezzanine, if you are afraid of heights, you will hate getting in and out of your seats.
The ceiling is interesting though.
At the end of the show, the lead performers asked us all to consider donating to Broadway Cares. Usually a good idea, but not this week.
Book of Mormon in Boston: Can you ask for donations to onefundboston.org instead of broadwaycares.org #bostonstrong
— Steve Garfield (@stevegarfield) April 24, 2013
Sounds like they did do that on earlier performances.
@stevegarfield - They collected for onefundboston.org on 4/18 when I went.
— Ange Reese (@angereese) April 24, 2013
Dinner first at Salvatores Theater District was amazing. Great service.
Theater Review: 'Book of Mormon' entertains by pushing limits:
Audiences tend to come away from "Book of Mormon" feeling they’ve had an out-of-body musical experience or that they’ve been offended and let down. For the record, it’s possible to land somewhere in between. The show could probably serve as a kind of Rorschach test on where people stand in terms of pop culture.
It’s as if the creators asked themselves what three elements could we combine that people could never imagine together. They came up with Mormonism, a splashy, joyous Broadway musical, and the most troubled corner of Africa.
They also seemed to reason that if they kept things energetic and upbeat enough that they could get away with pushing the limits of offensiveness, and audiences would love it.
Read more: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/x935163469/Theater-Review-Book-of-Mormon-entertains-by-pushing-limits#ixzz2RUwWMY5b
THE BOOK OF MORMON is not the first show to send up musicals, but SPAMALOT and THE PRODUCERS are infinitely more clever, sophisticated, ebulliently imaginative– and FUNNY. My condolences to the cast who have to wallow in this muck — especially the charismatic and vocally gifted Samantha Marie Ware as a young beautiful Ugandan who sparkles in a number about “baptism” as sexual climax. And then there are the talented Mark Evans and Christopher John O’Neill who play a pair of Mormon Elders as mismatched as Abbott and Costello. Now they were funny.
As for THE BOOK OF MORMON– I’m throwing the book at this one.