The Carol and Steve Show: Episode 8 - North Shore - Watch the video.
Steve and Carol take a trip to the North Shore and drive by the beach, and the Salem Witch Museum on their way to Country Curtains.
The reason is simple. The venerable FCC, created in 1934, is no longer necessary.
"Due to the looming snowstorm -- and the forecast for hazardous travel conditions before, and certainly after, the meetup -- I've decided to call off tonite's Meetup."
Podcasting is in the same place today as the Web was in 1994. These personal radio broadcasts, designed to be downloaded to an iPod or similar MP3 player, are homespun, rough-edged, and -- let's be honest -- not all that riveting.Dear Scott,
Some of the best podcasts so far are recordings of speeches and roundtables from high-priced technology conferences; some of the worst are like eavesdropping on your next-door neighbors while they're making dinner and talking about their day. One of the most popular podcasts, produced by former MTV ''VJ' Adam Curry, last week included the kind of meandering, boring rant about airport security that you've heard from every person who has taken a flight in post-9/11 America. Yes, Adam, the security lines are a real hassle.
"One problem is that, much like the Web before advertising and e-commerce, there's no money in podcasting yet."Podcasters do not see that as a problem.
February 27, 2005Going in the mail tomorrow.
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
Dear Marlene,
I am writing in opposition to the petition for the "main studio" waiver that CSN International filed for WSMA radio, facility ID 122202 in Scituate, Massachusetts, FCC file number 2005 0201 BWB.
Listeners affected include those to WZBC 90.3 FM, Newton MA which serves the surrounding community with 1,000 Watts live-DJ programming (Boston College).
Thank you,
Stephen Garfield
Video feedbackIt's nice that the Boston Globe is running this new column by Adam, but they've got to start putting links in the online version.
Pretty much every Thursday, a group of local bloggers gathers at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society to talk about, well, everything related to blogging. At one recent meeting, a video crew from ABC's ''Nightline' showed up. Michael Feldman reports on his Dowbrigade site on a surreal aspect of the session:ABC was shooting the meeting, Steve [Garfield of Jamaica Plain] was shooting the meeting, Steve was shooting ABC, ABC was shooting Steve shooting ABC. 3 or 4 people were blogging live, there was a parallel [Internet chat] going on, and at least a dozen bloggers were recording impressions and notes for blogging later.Adam Gaffin follows Boston-area blogs at Universal Hub. Get links to the blogs mentioned today at
All you have to do is go in an edit a post.
Take away the ><br /> from in front of
So this
><br />TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
would look like this
><br />
is extra.
"Here, then, is the cautionary tale of Gary Brolsma, 19, amateur videographer and guy from New Jersey, who made the grave mistake of placing on the Internet a brief clip of himself dancing along to a Romanian pop song. Even in the bathroom mirror, Mr. Brolsma's performance could only be described as earnest but painful."Hey Gary, get out there an do some more videoblogging!
The rate of growth of blogs and bloglike places is actually going to radically increase. Why? Because of software like Photon [ daikini software ].Trying it now.
This is a plug in that lets someone with iPhoto instantly upload photos and captions to their blog. Which means you don't have to go to a special blog-building site... you just point and upload. No doubt that picasa and other programs are out there doing the same.
"Noah Glass, right, and Evan Williams, who founded Odeo in a San Francisco apartment, hope to capitalize on a flood of amateur and professional audio files online."And the the interesting lead paragraphs:
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24 - The primarily amateur Internet audio medium known as podcasting will take a small, hopeful step on Friday toward becoming the commercial Web's next big thing.The Odeo blog.
That step is planned by Odeo, a five-person start-up that is based in a walk-up apartment in this city's Mission District and was co-founded by a Google alumnus. The company plans to introduce a Web-based system that is aimed at making a business of podcasting - the process of creating, finding, organizing and listening to digital audio files that range from living-room ramblings to BBC newscasts. "
“there’s me ibook, there’s me telly, there’s me cuppa tea”Great stuff!
Web logs - the personal online journals better known as blogs - use text to dissect nearly every conceivable topic, and now video blogs, or vlogs, which incorporate moving images, are on the rise. Mobile blogs, or moblogs, have brought blogging into the cellular age by allowing people to post video and photos taken with camera phones to a blog, or to call in an audio posting.
But the object remains the same as with traditional blogs: to inspire (or to provoke) others to post responses to one's ruminations and images.
Some vloggers are further blurring the lines between journalism and blogging by producing news reports of local interest. Steve Garfield of Boston, a self-described citizen reporter, took a video camera to investigate, among other things, whether election campaign workers were following the law by staying 150 feet from polling stations. He posted his report at
Boston was hit with another snowstorm today. We had fun though, going outside to shovel with Carol's mom!Check out the video over on my video blog.
In much the same way that Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation tied together disparate topics through the narrative thread of the fast food business, and written in a witty style that brings to mind media pranksters like Al Franken, Ken Kesey, and Abbie Hoffman, Freedom of Expression® uses intellectual property law as the focal point to show how economic concerns are seriously eroding creativity and free speech.BUy the book OR download it for free.
Collectively, these private journals have taken on a weighty online presence: The Boston Weblogger Group is a top result on a Google search for ''Boston blogs." And together, they've assembled tiny peepholes into different Boston lives.Nice article.
Steve Garfield's blog offers a multimedia portal, posting video of reality-TV-style episodes of his daily life in Jamaica Plain. Recent posts include a trip to the Boston Wine Expo with his wife, a drive to the gym, and a walk through the grocery store.
''We just turn the camera on, and it's really real," Garfield said.
Over dinner, (Rob) Sama borrowed Wendel's videophone to download a sample clip of Garfield's ''Carol and Steve Show."
''The picture isn't loading," Sama said, using the silver wand to touch different keys. ''Oh, someone is calling you," he said, handing the phone back to Wendel.
The meeting, like many blogs, ranged from technology's cutting edge to the completely mundane. The participants came, they said, mostly because it's fun.
Garfield said attending a blogging meeting beats the alternative.
''I would just be at home watching TiVo," he said with a shrug.
"With this device we. will. start. a revolution!"
Jay Dedman was at the Northern Voice Canadian blogging conference yesterday.
Eric Rice made up the quote.
"Seeing Steve Garfield's Off On A Tangent: as seen in TIME Magazine, I'm simply full of respect. What a splendid page! Very special. If only Apple would have a superb page like that.Thanks!
Powerful but elegant. It makes sense to me <> put up a link to this page. The page contains 461 links, a stable amount. The color scheme is fantastic. This is bubblegum for the brain, in a good way."
-- Ron Smith, Coding Quality Pages
But as they continue to sell single-day naming rights on eBay, where will FleetCenter execs draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable? We'll find out Feb. 28, when a certain website takes over the arena. The site -- a popular compendium of offbeat news stories and photos -- won the naming rights with a bid of $2,500. ''My point was to do something ridiculous and to donate to charity," said the website's founder, Drew Curtis, who lives in Kentucky. (The Globe isn't publishing the name of the site because it contains links to pornography.) After his first proposed name was rejected by the FleetCenter, Curtis invited his site's visitors to suggest alternatives, and the winner is an acronym too tasteless to reprint here.Interesting.
CURTIS: I ended up going with actually the third place contest submission, which was Boston Garden. For people who aren't from the Boston area, that's the name of the center before they called it the FleetCenter when they sold the naming rights. And it was a fairly controversial decision by the company. And there are still a lot of people that would wish it go back to that.
So, I figured that would be kind of fun to go back to Boston Garden for a day.
WALLACE: That was a good one, not as whacky, though, as some of the others. It seems like you kind of went mainstream on us there.
CURTIS: Yes, sort of. I think it depends on whether or not the people over at the FleetCenter were actually there at the time of the controversy. We'll see if they actually end up accepting that one. But I did receive an e-mail from them yesterday, and they said that that sounded like the way they were going to go.
WALLACE: And very briefly, Drew, tell us about What is it?
CURTIS: Sure. Basically, it's a news repository, where we take about 50 to 75 of the strangest news stories of the day and post them for people to make comments on.
I'm suffering from a mild case of Dedmans, which for those who aren't hip to the slang, means you're addicted to this (videoblogging).Message from Jay, Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:19 am:
this is the craziest thing ive heard in a long time.IM Conversation, 2/18/05:
(im also sitting in the airport watching videoblogs on ANT with my headphones.)
(10:43) Steve Garfield: you are in the airport?"
(10:43) Jay Dedman: yep
(10:43) Steve Garfield: free wifi?
(10:43) Jay Dedman: waiting
one day
(10:43) Steve Garfield: you are an addict
the airport is your dealer
(10:43) Jay Dedman: you think i'll just sit here?
(10:43) Steve Garfield: hahahahahha
(10:43) Jay Dedman: hahah
(10:44) Steve Garfield: people will remember that guy's post and refer back to it for historical purposes
(10:44) Jay Dedman: jesus
Is "The Carol and Steve Show" a milder Curb your Enthusiasm that the networks would pick up?
Touted on Idol as the rock guy (or one of them, anyway), Constantine Maroulis, 29, of New York City, also is a working actor. He's toured the world in Rent
This site will provide you with a DNS report for your domain. A very large percentage of domains have DNS problems; this site will help you find those problems and fix them. Also, the "Mail Test" tool will help find mail delivery problems for your domain.A good tool to check your DNS if you know or care what that is.
With ANT, you can subscribe to any RSS 2.0 feed with enclosures. ANT will automatically download fresh audio and video content for you to watch and listen to. It can playback any media format, and even syncs audio files with iTunes so you can easily add them to your portable MP3 player.ANT is free, and comes with a default list of videobloggers' feeds. It only runs on the Macintosh right now, but a Windows version is coming soon.
ANT is a stage that allows anyone to share their original video creations -- from personal video journals made by an emerging community of videobloggers, to the growing ranks of distributed citizen journalists, to home video simply intended for friends and family. is an RSS aggregator for videobloggers. Sign up, choose the videobloggers you like and watch videos! Mefeedia is an experimental videoblogging communityA couple of other places to look for new videoblogger's videos are, where in addition to seeing a list of recently updated videoblogs, you can learn how to start your own, and
Opsound is a record label and sound poolvia [ VoyagerRadio ]
using an open source, copyleft model, an experiment in practical gift economics, a laboratory for new ways of releasing music.
"No matter how good you are, if you're not promoted right you won't be remembered." --Andy Warhol
When adding your own source the text prompts:
"Add your own source
If you know the URL for the source file, enter it here:"
I did that, but what you really wanted was an RSS feed URL. So I got an error from you asking for an XML source.
I know what I'm doing and was confused. Think about people who don't know what RSS or XML means...
So the prompt might be better labeled as:
"Add your own source
If you know the RSS (XML) URL for the source file, enter it here:"
The problem is that RSS is written in XML and the buttons on people's pages can say either of those or something else all together.
Here's my pitch for a next-generation newscast designed for people who no longer watch TV news: 18 to 34 year-old men. From an "open-source rundown" to Fark TV, I push the envelope a bit. Let me know what you think...
Go ahead. Act like you own the place. Delaware North Companies, owner and operator of Boston's FleetCenter, announced today that they have placed single-day naming rights to the sports and entertainment venue up for bid on online auction site eBay.
It's become clear that Gannon's real name is James D. Guckert, which raises another question: How does someone operating under a pseudonym gain such close access to the President of the United States? The Congressional Press Galleries, White House Press Office and, perhaps, the Secrete Service do background checks on all credentialed and "day pass" journalists. Somewhere along the line someone inside the White House knew Gannon wasn't Gannon, but they gave him a waiver anyway.
Steve: "Hey Tom Brady, You just won the Superbowl and are taking home movies of the victory parade down the streets of Boston.Hey Tom, give me a call and I'll set you up with a video blog.
Where's all that video footage going to go?"
Tom: "On my video blog."
In this episode Carol and Steve go food shopping.Check it out.
Steve: "Let's take the camera an go and show people the supermarket."
Carol: "Like a supermarket like they always see?"
Steve Garfield's Video Blizzog"Steve Garfield is no ordinary blogga."
Steve Garfield's Video Bizzy ridin' in mah double R. Reality News by Citizen Journalists. Tha Carol n Steve Shizzow Episode 5 - Wizzy Expo. ... Steve Garfield's TEST Video Bizzle. ...
The theory of tagwebs and the ideas that comprise it have fundamentally changed my brain. My abilities to solve problems, to make analogies, to make jokes, to explain tagwebs, to understand people, to think -- all of these things have been improved greatly. I now understand how my brain works, and I can act in ways that embraces that knowledge. I believe that we are on the verge of a major evolutionary step in the way we use and understand our brains, and that we will begin to see the effects of this change immediately.
NEW YORK- Two teenagers - one a 14-year-old girl - were charged Tuesday in the shooting death of an aspiring actress who challenged a group of muggers on a Manhattan street.The fiance and family of Nicole DuFresne have set up a scholarship at Emerson in her name.
Rudy Fleming, 19, was charged with murder, robbery, attempted robbery and weapons possession, said Assistant District Attorney Robert Hettleman. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison and possibly the death penalty, Hettleman said.
Our first attempt on filming panoramic video was not really well planed. It was just a ride to the local supermarket. But what came out after editing still looks crazy for me even after watching it a dozen of times.I want to do that.
1. Run DiskwarriorIf they'd taken a look at the SMART drive feature in the first place they would have known at that point that the drive needed to be replaced.
2. Reinstall the OS
3. Erase the drive and reinstall the OS
Mildred Garfield of Swampscott has the distinction of being the oldest registered blogger in the world.Congratulations!
Bloggers, or those who regularly post personal, political or cultural commentaries online and receive feedback from readers, comprise what is among the fastest growing Internet populations.
Garfield, 79, is known in the electronic world as "Thoroughly Modern Millie."