We met in my Jamaica Plain office, Emack & Bolio's.
We discussed starting up a Boston Videoblogging Group.
Since there don't seem to be that many Boston area videobloggers, we talked about the group being one that would attract video people who might want to learn how to share their videos on the web, make better videos, and watch each others work.
We talked about a lot of things and had a great time. If future meetings are like our first get together, it'll be a fun and interesting group.
Tim says that he's addicted to tonyang's weblog, "A life very ordinary" and Amy likes Some Other Magazine.
Tim also told me that I should overexpose my videos, either when I shoot them, or when compressing, so they'll look brighter when viewed on the web.
That's the kind of thing I'm looking for in a group like this.
I told Tim that I use Sorenson for video compression and that people have had good luck with 3ivx.
Now we need to find a meeting space in JP that we can meet in that has WiFi, and a way to project the computer on to a big screen.
If you know of such a place, drop me a line.