YouTube and CBS: If You Had 15 Seconds:
"If you had 15 seconds to tell the world whatever you want to, what would you say? Well, now's your chance to be seen and heard on national television, courtesy of CBS Interactive. Post your 15-second video on YouTube, and CBS Interactive will select one to be broadcast on TV! The first selection will air on Sunday, February 4, 2007. "Yay CBS.
This is a step in the right direction. CBS is now asking people to submit videos to YouTube.
CBS is following the path that Jeff Jarvis suggested, and that I prototyped with
I personally explained how user submitted content should work in a discussion with management at CBS. I looks like they were listening.
CBS has a 15 Seconds page over on where you can read the rules and follow a link to watch the recently submitted videos over on YouTube.
This is a smart move by CBS since they don't have to screen any videos, and all the submissions can be seen on YouTube. The only videos they have to get a release waiver for are those that they choose to put on CBS TV.
Now I need something to say. ;-)
Jeff Jarvis writes: Say it to CBS and the world