Here's what I'd like to see announced at Macworld:
1. Video Camera with WiFi and ATT service.
Combine the experience of the Nokia N95 video camera with ATT service, and include that in a video camera that has an audio in jack and a regular tripod mount. Partner with Nokia on a phone that's more video camera than phone? I guess what makes more sense is a video iPhone. Is that something too obvious to predict?
2. Ultra Portable Computer with WiFi and ATT service.
Now that we've seen the life changing results of the iPhone, let's see if some of the functionality of being able to carry around a device that's both a micro laptop and a phone can be designed into something between the iPhone and MacBook Pro.
3. HD TV with a Macintosh built in.
I predicted this a few Macworlds ago, but it didn't happen, so it's fair to predict it again. Instead of trying to attach some kind of add-on box to a TV to give it access to the internet, why not just take a Macintosh and shove it inside a TV. A partnership with Sharp would be sweet. You really don't even need the TV part anymore since it'll end up being connected to a service provider any way. So how about a 42" Cinema Display Macintosh HD TV?