Image: JetBlue at Logan International Airport
When I travel, I don't like any hassles.
I like to plan.
I like to get to the airport early.
I like to leave time, so that if anything unexpected happens, I don't have to rush, or miss my flight.
I never check my luggage.
I've got a few favorite airlines, Virgin America, and JetBlue top the list.
Virgin America is great flying out of Logan in Boston because they have their own TSA security and gate.
I fly JetBlue a lot, and love to take advantage of their Even More Speed, Even More Space upgrades.
Even More Speed gets you through security in a fast lane. On my last trip when I printed the boarding pass on my Mac, the printout where it says even more speed was cut off, so make sure when you print your boarding pass that shows up, otherwise you might have problems getting into the fast lane. They led us through anyway.
Image: First! Extra Speed! #ftw Thanks @jetblue
Even More Speed also gets you early boarding. I love early boarding, because I always carry on my luggage and there's never a problem of fitting the luggage in the overhead compartment.
Even More Space gets you more legroom, which I appreciate because in 6 feet tall.
To me the upgrade is worth it and the past few times it only cost $25.