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This site will help you to make your own VideoCDs, SVCDs or DVDs that can be played on your standalone DVD Player from video sources like DVD, Video, TV, Cam or downloaded movie clips like DivX, MOV, RM, WMV and ASF.
Subject: Re: CDDVD information request from Steve Garfield
Date: March 31, 2004 6:26:56 PM EST
The LaCie Discrecording.pkg is the correct file. Apple has supplied us with a new version from the Feb2004 profile.
I'm sorry for any confusion this caused.
From: support@lacie.comUPDATE #3 from Roxio, RE: Disc Burning: Apple Supported/Shipped:
Subject: Re: CDDVD information request from Steve Garfield
Date: March 31, 2004 6:26:57 PM EST
You should have only received the one Toast Titanium CD. We no longer ship the software on three CDs. The one CD includes Toast Titanium for OS 10.2 and newer, Toast Lite for OS 9.1.x, 9.2.x and 10.1.x and the manual for the install of the DVD recorder. Our documentation has not been changed to reflect this.
After installing Toast you will also have a Toast manual in the Toast folder.
I'm sorry for any confusion this caused.
Subject: Re: CDDVD information request from Steve Garfield
Date: April 2, 2004 5:09:09 PM EST
Yes that looks OK.
Recently, I was diagnosed with AAADD, Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests: I decide to wash my car. As I start toward the garage, I notice there is mail on the hall table. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table and notice that it's full.I'm off to wash my car.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mail box when I take out the trash, I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table but there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go to my desk, where I left the can of Coke that I had been drinking.
Me: "you're my favorite Bush Twin."Cheers!
Her: (Staring, blinking) "what?"
Me: "um, I don't know, nevermind."
Her: Staring. Too drunk to speak. Starts to fall over, but guy friend catches her. I haven't seen someone that drunk since college! Like father like daughter, I guess.
Many TiVo users use the service to skip commercials, but now they'll get commercials while skipping commercials.Wait a sec. Will I be able to skip the commercial that shows up while I'm skipping a commercial?
Google Personalized web search delivers custom search results that are based on a profile you create describing your interests. Your results can be instantly rearranged by dragging a slider at the top of the page to go from no personalization to full personalization or anywhere in between.My interests are:
Movies, TV, Photography, Radio, Television, Arts and Entertainment, Automotive, E_Commerce, Food, Investing, Internet, Multimedia, Mental Health, Cooking, Gardens, Home Improvement, Personal Finance, Pop, Rock, New Age, Parody/Humor, News, Autos, and Technology.And I enjoy long walks on the beach. ;-)
Sorry, Google Personalized does not currently support Safari.Safari browser doesn't work with Google Personalized Search. :-(
"If you really want to enslave people,Ebner wrote Hollywood Interrupted with Andrew Breitbart.
tell them that you're going to give them total
-- L. Ron Hubbard
Please note that your transaction may not actually be processed for several hours. In the meantime, the transaction ID above confirms that the system has received your request. Please print this screen or write down your transaction ID for future reference.Hmm, another skinny quill pen using guy backend processing system.
Once your request has been processed, the Registry of Motor Vehicles will send you a confirming e-mail message. It is important that you save copies of all receipts and transaction screens.
If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation within three (3) business days, your transaction may not have been processed.
US fast food giant McDonald's is to launch a range of children's clothing in North America and western Europe.Looks like McDonalds is designing clothes without those constricting sleeves and necks found on regular clothes.
It's official: You're "picky." The fact is you are drawn to the most beautiful of the beautiful. You know what you like in women and are more selective than most men your age. Your tastes seem instinctual. You'd make a great casting agent, because you have a good eye for women who have "star quality."Good thing she looks like my wife!
Your call is important to us. Your call is important to us. Your call is important to us. Your call is important to us. Your call is important to us. Your call is important to us.I tend to disagree.
The enrollment process for recurring credit card payment can take between 30-45 days, therefore you will need to pay your current statement balance with a different method (i.e. one-time credit card payment). You also may need to pay your bill next month using an alternate method if enrollment is not complete prior to the start of your next billing cycle.Seems to me that this transaction should be instant and not time lapse.
The Gadflyer: Not long after taking office, President Bush installed a T-ball field at the White House. Some say T-ball is an apt metaphor for Bush's entire life. You're a hockey player. Will you install a hockey rink at the White House, and if so, what does hockey symbolize for you?It's over at The Gadflyer: Reply All.
John Kerry: I don't know if it's a metaphor for his entire life, but I can tell you that when it comes to building a record to run on, he's been swinging at that tee for four years now with the same broken bat and America's getting tired of hearing the whiff.
I love the challenge involved in playing hockey. Wayne Gretzky was asked why he was such a good hockey player and he always said, "You know most guys go to where the puck is. I go to where the puck is going to be." For me, I think that's also a statement about life and politics. It's about which issues you choose to fight for and how much you're willing to look toward tomorrow's challenges today.
I can't decide if the chemicals this redesign releases in my brain make it my new child or my new boyfriend, but I'm flying on some sort of oxytocin/endorphin/tylenol cold cocktail that's making me literally jump up and down and blanket Ben's non-erogenous zones with kisses while saying things one usually associates with cigarette-y afterglows.Very happy.
Chicago City Limits and Bass are inviting new comedy groups to audition at one of five open mike nights throughout Boston or to send a video tape to them directly. The winning act at each of these competitions will win $500, and earn the chance to compete for the grand prize of up to a $1,000 ($750 Judges Prize and $250 Audience Award) awarded during the opening of the Red Triangle Comedy show on May 26.Beer and comedy. Nice.
The Bass Red Triangle Comedy Tour open mike nights in Boston are:
Thursday, April 1: Clery's
Thursday, April 8: Dick's Last Resort
Thursday, April 15: Bell in Hand
Thursday, April 22: Copperfield
Thursday, April 29: The Milky Way
This semester, Bentley, a business university in the Boston area, is taking it one step further with an experimental new course called, "MG 755: The Organizational Life Cycle: The Boston Beer Company - Brewers of Samuel Adams Boston Lager." On campus, the graduate level course, which filled up within two days of its being announced, has been nicknamed, "Sam Adams 101."Mmm... Beer.
An animation in which you roam a virtual city with your microphone to search for beats and melodies you like.When you're done, you bring your mix to the club to see if the crowd likes what you've done.
After you've recorded your sounds, take them to your virtual home and try mixing them into a tune.
1. Affordable, quality health care for all AmericansGo Frank Go!
2. Campaign finance reform
3. Scrapping our income tax code
In his first news conference, the new prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, emphasized that combating terrorism would be a top priority of his government. Spain has been resolute all along in helping the United States identify and disrupt al-Qaida cells in that country. Now that Spanish blood has been shed on Spanish soil by the terrorists, that resolve is likely to be strengthened, not weakened.The War on Terror and the War in Iraq are two different things.
But just because the Spanish people are determined to combat radical Islamic terrorism does not mean that they have an obligation to endorse the U.S. intervention in Iraq. The election results confirm that a majority of Spaniards make a distinction between those two missions. That is not surprising, since large majorities around the world have made a similar distinction. Indeed, it is a distinction that seems to elude few people-except for a majority of conservatives in the United States.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Atheist dad ready for date at top court California man to argue against 'under God' in pledge.
Michael Newdow will stand before the highest court in the land for 30 minutes on Wednesday and defend his view that the words "under God'' should be struck from the Pledge of Allegiance.The Battle Over the Pledge
The general rule in the United States is that anyone may take photographs of whatever they want when they are in a public place.Go ahead and take a picture of that accident, those children, that celebrity, that bridge and those law enforcement officers.
Mr. Garfield,
I'm sorry to hear that you were disappointed by the glassware in Framingham
recently. The beer in question is 10-11% alc/vol and should be treated with
some caution, hence the smaller glass. While the glass itself my be
objectionable, the serving size would remain the same in any case.
I will look into the availability of other glassware for special beers in
the future.
Thank you,
Tim Morse
VP Brewing Operations
Last year, the IRS opted not to pursue 2.25 million tax cases, costing the government $14.1 billion in individual income taxes and $2.3 billion in corporate taxes.I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but give me a break!
Comcast says its Digital Video Recorder service is available to customers throughout the Washington region. This is the first market in the country where Comcast is offering the service.Hmm.
Comcast will charge an additional $9.95 per month for the service, and says there is no upfront equipment charge for the set top box.
“Borg Invasion” claims to be the first “Star Trek” adventure to be shot digitally, and the first all-digital motion picture to incorporate live action and animation, within a 3-D environment. The multiple-angle approach allows viewers to experience 3-D effects from the front and overhead screens, as well as the left and right sides of the capsule. The visual presentation iThe Star Trek Experience: Borg Invasion 4D
i just want a casual shag but i'm dating this guy who sends me text messages saying how beautiful i am . it just makes me feel like puking and i get angry with him. why can't we just shag and then i can casually dump him and be on my merry way. is that so bad?: hug :
"I get most of my ideas on flights like this one," Neeleman said. "The customers tell me what they want."Cool.
It is the first time that an original Swiss Army Knife has been equipped with a USB Memory.Sweet!
This book is not good. In fact, it's quite awful. I wrote it in 1987-88, when I was thirteen years old and in grade 8. I had just moved to a new, much snootier school, and wrote this in part to make friends with the girls in my class. I used to write a chapter a night and then read it out on the school bus the next day. I guess I didn't realize how awful it was. I can say it was well-received by my peers.I wonder if my friend Ralph, now Michael, still has his novel kicking around.
Pack heavier items on the bottom; place eggs and other fragile items on topFollow these grocery bagging rules if you find yourself bagging your own groceries at a self-sevice checkout.
What enigmatic sculpture stands one degree north of 37 degrees, 57 minutes, and 65 seconds North by 77 degrees, 8 minutes, and 44 seconds West.Here's the answer:
You will notice that “one degree north” puts the location substantially further north of Richmond. Further, there can only be 60 minutes, which means that there cannot be 65! After you look at your dust jacket you will see a decimal point between the 6 and the 5. So the location you are looking for is at 38°, 57’, 6.5” north latitude; and 77°, 8’, 44” west longitude.The Story behind “Kryptos”.
This is the location of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The statue you’re looking for is called Kryptos, and it stands in the courtyard. It’s weird, being a piece of metal with letters on it, in code – the workers there spend their time trying to decode the thing, but supposedly nobody ever has. I’m sure you can find more info on that statue online, but I am not inclined to spend any more time on this matter, so at this point you are on your own.
Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power. The novel touches on questions of how and why this shift occurred…and on what lessons we might learn from it regarding our future.
"The age of the wimpy left is over," said The Gadflyer's Editor-in-Chief Paul Waldman upon announcing the launch. "It's not only money that has brought the right so far in recent decades. Conservatives have also fueled their successes with their political mindset. Simply put, they play to win. It's time for progressives to do the same. With that in mind, during the publication's launch week we will present a series of articles outlining important ways for progressives to get tough."Cue Rocky Theme. is not a news site, we provide links to archived stories on news sites, which provide current up to the minute news. This site is only an archive of recent history. There's no opinion on this site. What you will find is real events, with real sources with the links to back them up. The sources we've cited include the FBI, the CIA, CNN, CBS News, ABC News, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Newsweek and the BBC. There is an incredible amount of both misinformation and misunderstanding out there, with this site we're trying to correct that. This is not conspiracy theory, this is the news and it’s history in the making.Everything you know is wrong.
A character finds something out or hurts themselves and screams. To show that this is the loudest scream ever, cut to a shot of the surrounding area with the audio of the scream still going, then to the countryside (where it might disturb livestock or a farmer), and possibly further back to a shot of Earth from space all the while with the scream still looped in the background.Ravi, since each entry on the site is a WikiWord, you've got to add The Spit Take, which was popularised on your web only sitcom Three Abreast.
If on planet Earth, The Scream must cause birds to burst from the brush in a panic.
The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution States:Maybe my call will get on the air:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The 1st Amendment is under Attack. Your right to free speech is being threatened. Show your support for Howard Stern by calling the WBCN 1st Amendment line toll free at 866-790-7663 and voice your thoughts freely.
First they came for Howard Stern and I did nothing.Listen to the calls, click here.
Then they came for Adam 12 and still, I remained silent.
[ Telephone rings in the background ]
Oh, Oh. It's the FCC calling for me.
Yesterday, I taped another Best Week Ever, which will air this Friday.Seems like a short week to me.
We'd like to see them captured in a live capture trap then humanely killed by a gun or a blow to the headDie! Squirrels Die!
Crumb, a 15-month-old Vizsla who was shocked on Harrison Avenue last week, peers down on the proceedings. (Staff photo by Nancy Lane)
Crumb, a Hungarian Viszla, was on hand for yesterday's hearing; his co-owner testified that a shock in Chinatown has changed the dog's disposition. (Globe Staff Photo / Bill Greene)Note to Globe proofreaders: It's spelled V-i-z-s-l-a.
Hey, Let's Get Married: How Timmy and Teddy Celebrate Their Twentieth Anniversary. At the Leland Theater of the Boston Center for the Arts, 537 Tremont Street, Boston. March 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Showtimes are @ 8:00, Saturday matinees at @ 2:00, Sunday matinee at 3:00, Sunday evening show @ 7:00. Tickets $10, $7 for groups of 10 or more. Ticket Info: 617-426-ARTS (Box Office)It had drama, current events, music, singing, and humor.
It’s Theodore and Timothy’s 20th anniversary, and finally they have the chance to get married for real. In monologue, song and sketch, each reflects on how they met, the eccentricies they’ve learned to live with, and the baggage of their past--while anticipating their future as a married couple, or as one prohibited from marrying. Part love story, part social satire, "Let's Get Married" is populated by a zany ensemble of political and religious figures and family members.