1st iPhone Beautiful Mistake - Originally uploaded on flickr by stevegarfield.
First impressions:
Setup was very easy. It's the Apple way of doing things. I transferred my Verizon phone # over to AT&T and the iPhone was activated within minutes. No problems like people had during the initial registrations.
Syncing the iPhone was flawless. The on screen help guided me through deciding what music, photo, email accounts and videos I wanted transferred to the iPhone. Everything worked as advertised.
Learning the iPhone interface was a pleasure. It's very attractive.
I set up desktop wallpaper, browsed the web sith Safari, and checked out the maps feature.
I successfully sent and email and took a photo. One thing I found interesting is that the shutter button for taking photos is a soft button, meaning there is no physical shutter button. That will take some getting used to.
I'm still trying to send a photo to flickr via email...
Update: Sending a photo to flickr worked with .Mac email account.
More info at Apple here: iPhone: Send mail not working.
Watch the video: Unboxing iPhone: Compating iPhone to Nokia N95. In the video I unbox the iPhone and compare the size of the iPhone to Nokia N95.