Just got off the phone with Michael Oh from Tech Superpowers.
He took control of my Mac remotely via Tech Superpowers Managed Mac Application.
Very cool.
We might have narrowed down the problem to the GL/2 Firewire cable.
Ravi is coming by with his Firewire cable and I'll see if that's the problem. I hope so.
Later on...
After further testing it seems like there is a problem with the MacBook Pro, Firewire External Drives, and my GL/2 combined with FCP.
Capturing in iMovie works fine.
FCP does not.
We are thinking about getting an Expresscard/34 Firewire card to see if that solves the problem. Another test would be to see if it's the GL/2 that's causing the problem. Maybe Ravi can bring his camera over later to try a capture...
Stay tuned...